2 GW of energy impossible to achieve

by time news

The rise of AI has resulted in a whole new field of knowledge that is driving technological progress so rapidly that it is creating hope in certain sectors. Such is the case at robot army that the United States has deployed to triple its renewable energy capacity without the massive amount of labor it would require.

An army of automatons to feed more automation: Sound familiar?

In a complex context where the United States competes with China for renewable energy, North American engineers have developed an innovative solution to meet its growing energy demand without affecting the environment. This demand is not only due to the need to achieve sustainability objectives, but also It has a lot to do with AI.

And, for artificial intelligence to work its magic, it requires huge data centers that require an amount of electricity that exceeds the consumption of entire countries.

To catch up with the Asian giant, the United States succeeded in developing and testing the maximum robotan automaton whose function is to charge and install solar panels with great precision without any kind of human assistance. AES Corporation is the company behind the automata army that has already succeeded in installing almost 10 MW of solar energy in test photovoltaic fields.

A working robot that can learn and recognize the terrain, that overcomes all limits

Máximo is the practical demonstration of the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence. He has the ability to recognize the terrain and learn how to improve his efficiency and work with the greatest possible independence. According to the managers, the biggest challenge was to prevent the robot from being dazzled when encountering reflective surfaces and recognizing the terrain.

It is not that the robot is blinded by the reflection of light as if it had organic eyes, but that its ability to understand the surfaces it has to cross understanding lies in the path patterns of light. Reflection deflects light from a predictable path and produces anomalous data in artificial intelligence, which is a major problem.

This artificial vision technology is the key to Máximo, along with its continuous learning ability to adapt to all types of terrain and conditions and an advanced image reconstruction function, allowing it to work even in low light conditions. In this way, the army of robotic workers It is able to work 24 hours a day.

The question many are asking: What will happen to your jobs?

Máximo already has a contract to establish a solar park in Arizona with a capacity of 2 GW that will power the Amazon data center with emission-free renewable energy. According to the company, by 2025 this robot should already have several installed 100 MW of solar energy.

According to reports, approximately 15,000 solar panels are currently being installed in the United States per hour. What AES is looking for is to increase this rate to around 50,000 modules per hour, more than triple. 90% of the companies dedicated to this sector have said that they have problems finding qualified labour, so an army of intelligent robots will fill the gap.

The progress of AI is inevitable: we will have to adapt to it

It is clear that the development of this new army of construction robots will be the key to renewable projects such as wind farms converting hurricanes to electricity, accelerating the transition to renewable energy. The workforce will be dominated by robots that can work without stopping and people will have to specialize in the face of the new labor market.

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