20.7% of service stations are “in difficulty”

by time news

This figure given by the government is up slightly from Friday.

Service stations’ difficulties in obtaining fuel supplies persist but are not getting worse. At 1 p.m. this Saturday, 20.7% of service stations in France, “experiencing difficulties» on at least one fuel, against 19% on Friday. Hauts-de-France and Ile-de-France remain the most affected, “even if the situation is improving very slightly”.

For example, 41% of stations encounter difficulties in Pas-de-Calais (compared to 42% on Friday and 52% on Thursday, 39% in the North (compared to 43% and 47%).The strike movement persists in refineries and oil depotssays Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition. The authorization for heavy goods vehicles refueling the stations to circulate at the weekend, among other things, has made it possible to stabilize the situation at the national level.».

Faced with the shortage of fuel, the bans on the circulation of transport vehicles of more than 7.5 tonnes were lifted for October 8, 9 and 10 by two ministerial decrees. Are concerned “vehicles for transporting hydrocarbon products, with the exception of butane, propane and gases for industrial use“. In addition, “the empty return of the mentioned vehicles” is “authorized for these days of ban lifting on the national territory».

SEE ALSO – Gasoline shortages: Macron calls for “calm” and “responsibility”

Minister Pannier-Runacher “calls on everyone to take responsibility and stock up as usual, without trying to stock up“. Motorists who fill jerrycans or cans, in addition to their tank, are targeted. Several prefectures have issued an order to prohibit these actions. “The government is making every effort to restore the situation to normal as soon as possible.“, assures the minister who did not fail to put pressure on the leaders of Total and the CGT which, by its strike, is at the origin of the supply difficulties. “A solution must be found to this social conflict, which weighs on the daily life of the French, without delay.».

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