20% of women experience hair loss after the age of 30 – Health and Medicine

by time news

2023-09-28 08:27:45

Specialists warn that alopecia is increasing and is becoming more common in younger women. It affects, to a greater or lesser degree, 20% of women over 30 years of age and more than 40% of women over 50 years of age.

Hair loss is an issue that has affected women of all ages and lifestyles, and one that they have had to fight silently for a long time. In fact, it is estimated that two out of three women suffer or will suffer from some type of hair loss at some point in their lives. In this sense, specialists warn that alopecia is increasing and is becoming more common in younger women. It affects, to a greater or lesser degree, 20% of women over 30 years of age and more than 40% of women over 50 years of age.

Hair loss is a normal process, which is part of the growth and renewal cycle. On some occasions, this process can be altered for different reasons: genetics, hormonal changes such as menopause or after pregnancy; poor nutrition, especially lack of iron, zinc or some vitamins; emotional changes, such as stress or lack of sleep; Seasonal, hair loss is more common in spring and autumn; and other factors, such as exposures to environmental factors, aggressive hairdressing processes, or taking certain medications.

Dermatologists highlight the importance of taking care of “those external factors that can affect our hair health such as nutrition, rest or the level of stress to which we are subjected.” The specialist explained how hair falls continuously, “it is estimated that we lose around 100 hairs a day.” Most of the hair is in the so-called anagen phase, that is, growth, a period that can last from 2 to 6 years. Afterwards, a transition phase occurs that lasts a few weeks until the hair bulb separates and the hair finally falls out, and the growth cycle of new hair begins.

“This whole process is very complex and depends, in part, on the stem cells of each follicle. It is not so difficult for this fine balance to be unbalanced for multiple reasons and a greater loss than usual occurs,” explains dermatologist Combalia, who recommends that if we notice any alteration in the quantity or quality of our hair we should “consult with a “dermatologist to help us differentiate what type of fall we are facing and what the best solution is.”

“We are used to having a normal level of hair loss, which can increase during changes in season, such as now in autumn, but in my case after the birth of my two daughters I noticed significant hair loss. And you think that you are not going to be able to get it back,” explained actress María Castro, for whom it is important to receive advice from a specialist who can recommend the measures to take to “be able to have our usual hair again.”

In a world where personal image is fundamental, hair loss in women continues to be a social taboo. Despite advances in gender equality in many aspects of life, the social stigma around hair loss in women remains a significant obstacle to their emotional well-being. Women have had to deal with societal pressure to maintain lush hair, and hair loss has often been associated with decreased femininity and physical attractiveness.

Science and technology to stop hair loss

Recently, new launches have been presented for hair loss in women based on the regenerative technology of hair follicle proteoglycans, which reduces hair loss, stimulates growth, increases density, improves appearance and prevents hair aging. .

“Proteoglycans have long been used against skin aging, but it has also been proven that they play a fundamental role in maintaining hair youth,” explain dermatologists. The extracellular matrix that surrounds the hair follicle incorporates proteoglycans in its composition, which ensure that the hair cycle occurs in a healthy and balanced way. By incorporating the appropriate amount and synthesis of proteoglycans in the hair follicle, it acts by stopping hair loss and promoting regeneration.

These new treatments are especially indicated for women who suffer seasonal, sudden, significant and transient hair loss (telogen effluvium), such as due to nutritional deficiencies, stress or postpartum; Androgenic alopecia, due to genetic causes or other factors; trichodynia, feeling of pain and discomfort in the scalp; or as hair antiaging, to maintain young and beautiful hair. A: Ana Mera, pharmacist. Barcelona

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