20 Signs You’re NOT Over Your Ex

by time news

2023-04-25 00:55:00

A breakup is always painful and implies a grieving process to be able to ‘turn the page’ and overcome the separationIn some cases, it is not always possible to close the chapter and the ex partner becomes a ghost that we carry with us all the time, making it difficult get over your ex

It is not easy to accept that a Relationshipespecially when there were many future plans. If a couple of years have passed and the memory of your ex still comes to mind, SLIDE the COVER IMAGE and discover some signs that indicate that you are not over your ex.

The lack of closure during the couple break up may be one of the main reasons why it is difficult to let go of the ex partner. According to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, closure gives a sense of understanding, peace, and accepted purpose to the relationship because it provides the ability to move on.

20 signs that you are NOT over your ex / Photo: iStock

Why can’t I get over my ex?

Before the lack of closure and the relationship ends abruptly, it can be very difficult to move on because we have a hard time understanding what happened, so we cling to thinking about the failed relationshipbut it is not the only reason why you cannot get over your ex:

  • Love and emotional attachment: When a relationship lasts for many years, a strong emotional link with the couple, therefore, it is not easy to put aside the feelings of love and attachment, even after the breakup.
  • Loss of safety and comfort: if the breakup leaves a void in your life, the loss of this security can make you feel vulnerable and anxious.
  • Memories and nostalgia: living on memories can make you miss your partner, making it more difficult to accept that the relationship is over.
  • Comparison with others: if after break up with your partneryou don’t give yourself time to heal, you may start comparing your new prospects to your ex partner or look for something similar to what you had.

20 signs that you are NOT over your ex / Photo: iStock

How do I know if I’m not over my ex yet?

talk about your ex all the time, is one of the main signs that you have not yet overcoming the separation for example, recently the actress Victoria Ruffowho was a couple of Eugenio Derbez At the beginning of the 90’s, he declared that the actor did not seek her to offer his condolences on the death of his mother, despite the fact that their relationship ended more than a decade ago.

“He didn’t say anything to me (Eugenio), I even said: ‘what a little grandmother’, but hey, there is a God who sees everything … he has always been reckless (Eugenio), there are still many things to clean up between us, after 30 years old,” said the Mexican soap opera actress.

20 signs that you are NOT over your ex / Photo: Getty Images

Despite the fact that this famous ex-couple ended their relationship many years ago, on several occasions they have not missed the opportunity to talk about each other publicly, showing that they have not yet overcome. If you want to know other signs that reveal that you are not over your ex, click on the COVER IMAGE and find out if you left yours in the past.

How to know at what stage of the loving duel I am?

For heal a love breakupit is necessary to face the grieving processas in any loss, which consists of seven stages:

  • Desperation for answers: this stage occurs when there is no closure of the relationship, when you do not understand why it ended, therefore, you cling to find an answer and perhaps you believe that you could recover your love.
  • Denial: you feel that you cannot go on without your ex because for you it was your world, your happiness was based on your relationship and now that he is gone, you feel deep pain.
  • Negotiation: you do not accept that the relationship is over, so you are willing to do anything to make it come back to you, for example, be a better partner, more attentive, loving, when it is not even your fault.
  • Relapse: the pain is so intolerable that you go back to your ex to try to convince him to try again.
  • Anger: this feeling can be projected onto yourself, the situation or your partner, but it is part of the grieving process, it means that somewhere inside you there is enough discomfort to change your perspective.
  • Acceptance: you have developed awareness to recognize that they are not meant to be, you begin to recognize that there are limits to the breakup because it is no longer healthy to maintain the relationship.
  • Redirected hope: when acceptance deepens, it is necessary to redirect feelings of hope to be more aware that this relationship is part of the past and to be able to overcome it.

Now that you know the reasons why it’s hard get over your ex CLICK on the TOP IMAGE of this note and describe some signs that could indicate that you are still anchored to the ghost of your ex partner. Take care of your heart!

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If you want to know more about the subject of ex couplesStay tuned for the next video.

#Signs #Youre

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