200 euros bonus in November, for whom?

by time news

ENERGY CHECK 2022. An exceptional bonus of 200 euros will be granted to certain households heating with fuel oil from 8 November.

[Mis à jour le 3 novembre 2022 à 11h31] Faced with soaring energy prices, the executive announced the creation of a new device for households heating with fuel oil: the fuel check. This exceptional bonus of 200 euros will be paid from tuesday november 8 next. This check will be sent to you automatically subject to means testing. If you already benefit from the classic energy check and you have already used it with a domestic fuel seller in the past, you will receive 200 euros. Otherwise, an online application portal will be made available to you by then. You will then know the amount to which you are entitled (100 or 200 euros).

But beware, the new bounties don’t stop there. Later, from end of December 2022a new exceptional energy check will also emerge. 12 million people are affected, corresponding to the poorest 40% of French households. The amount will also be from 100 to 200 euro. For income below 13,310 euros, the check will be 200 euros. For income between 13,310 euros and 18,610 euros, you will receive half, i.e. 100 euros.

In the summer of 2022, an envelope of 230 million euros was voted to help the most modest households, and allow them to pay their energy bills. And precisely, in order to support the French heating with fuel oil, a check of 100 to 200 euros will be paid from November 8 next. This brand new “fuel cheque” will benefit 1,6 million of hearths. The calculation takes into account the income of 2020, the number of people in the household as well as the income. But who can benefit from it? Here are three concrete examples provided by the government to try to better understand the amount you could receive next month:

  • A single person at minimum wage with a child: 200 euros
  • A single person with minimum wage without children: 100 euros
  • A single woman with two children and a net salary of 3,000 euros: 100 euros

No action is expected if you have already used an energy check in the past. For others, you will have to apply at an online counter open from November 8. Have you already filled your tank with fuel oil before learning about this exceptional bonus? No problem, this new check can be used to pay your next oil or gas bill, for example, until March 2024.

Who will receive the bonus of 100 or 200 euros? To anticipate the combined increases in the price of gas and electricity, respectively of 15% in January and February 2023, the government was working on a new aid system to compensate for this increase. It is now done with the creation of an exceptional energy voucher, which will be distributed before the end of 2022. “from the end of December” as indicated on the government energy check website, to the 40% of the poorest households living in France. It will come in addition to the traditional energy check, paid in April 2023. Its amount? 100 to 200 euros according to very specific remuneration criteria.

For example, a single mother on Smic with a dependent child will receive 200 euros. On the other hand, a couple with 3,000 euros in income and two dependent children will benefit from a check for 100 euros. The cost of the operation for the coffers of the State is estimated at 1.8 billion euros according to the statements of the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. To find out your eligibility, you can also refer just below to the precise scale established by the executive according to your level of income:

  • Check for 200 euros : 20% of the most modest households, income below 13 310 euros
  • Check for 100 euros : households whose income is between 13 310 et 18 610 euros

This year, to deal with soaring energy prices, the government announced the creation of two new aids in addition to the traditional energy check, paid in the spring of 2023. Here is the complete calendar of the 3 dates to remember about the energy check before the end of 2022, and in 2023:

  • Tuesday, November 8, 2022 : fuel check
  • End of December 2022 : exceptional energy check
  • Spring 2023 : classic energy check

The payment of the energy check (classic) is made by department. the check 2023 will be sent automatically between 30 mars 2023 and the 29 avril 2023 depending on your department of residence.

The energy check is awarded each year, depending on your income and the composition of your household. It is sent to you, automatically, on the basis of the information transmitted by the tax services, and provided that you have made your tax return within the deadlines set by the tax authorities. You must also live in accommodation subject to housing tax (even if you are exempt). You can also decide to “pre-assign” it to your energy supplier.

The amount of the energy check depends on the resources and composition of your household. To determine this, the government has established a scale. Here is the scale that applies in 2022.

RFR / UC < 5 600 euros5 600 euros < RFR / UC < 6 700 euros6 700 euros < RFR / UC < 7 700 euros7 700 euros < RFR / UC < 10 800
1 UC194 euros146 euros98 euros48 euros
1 < UC < 2240 euros176 euros113 euros63 euros
2 or more CUs277 euros202 euros126 euros76 euros

As you can see, a single person can receive an energy check for a maximum amount of €194 in 2023. Note that the energy check can be combined with the Ma Prime Rénov aid, the device that replaces the tax credit for energy transition (CITE).

For the exceptional energy check expected at the end of 2022 as announced on September 14 by the government, the amount may reach 200 euros for a household composed of a single mother receiving the minimum wage and with two dependent children. For a couple with two children and whose income is equal to 3,000 euros net, the exceptional check will be for an amount of 100 euros.

You don’t have to do anything. The energy voucher is allocated in such a way automatique. In practice, it is the tax administration that sends the list of eligible households to the Services and Payment Agency (ASP). The latter is in charge of editing and sending the check by mail. Eligible households therefore receive it automatically, without having to fill out any form. There is therefore no point in contacting the services in charge of the energy check if you are not eligible.

Energy check assistance can be reached on 0 805 204 805 (freephone number), Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. “In case of heavy traffic, we recommend that you call in the morning from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., or at the end of the day from 5:00 p.m.”, we warn on the energy check site.

You are sure and certain to meet the conditions of the energy check, and yet there is no trace in your mail? In this case, contact support, either via the contact form on the dedicated site, or by telephone. Remember to bring your tax notice. “To be able to benefit from the energy check, you must have declared your income to the tax services (even if your income is low or zero)”, we recall in the Frequently Asked Questions. “After having regularized your situation, you will be able to apply for an energy check. On the other hand, if you have still not declared your income for the following year, you will no longer be able to claim the benefit of the energy check”.

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