“200 euros is huge”: a computer bug reduces his disability pension

by time news

“It is an aberration. Patrick, a 59-year-old resident of Malakoff (Hauts-de-Seine), did not expect such a bad surprise when he consulted his bank account last week. Because if his disability pension was paid to him on February 4, like every month, its amount was not at all the same. Instead of 1,088 euros usually collected, he was only entitled this time to 890.73 euros precisely.

“Until now, I had never had a problem, points out this former employee in the advertising sector, on disability since 2004. But there, 200 euros less per month, it’s huge, especially at this time when we are struggling to make ends meet. »

Fortunately, the almost sixty-year-old has a little bit of money aside from which he draws to pass the storm, but worries if the situation were to continue. “I called 36 46 (to join the Primary Health Insurance Fund) and the agent told me it wouldn’t be back to normal until April. »

Health insurance will reimburse

Contacted, Health Insurance recognizes an “anomaly” which would affect “a few insured persons from Île-de-France”. “Not all disability pensioners are affected,” we are told, without giving more precise figures.

“The reduction in the amount of pension comes from the wrongful deduction of contributions (CSG, CASA and CRDS) at full rate”, explains the organization. Depending on their reference tax income, recipients of a disability pension may in fact benefit from an exemption or, at the very least, from a reduced rate on these social security contributions. “The Health Insurance teams are working on an emergency fix, the situation should be restored on the next payment, paid in early March”, we add.

A relief for Patrick who still does not get angry when faced with this kind of problem. “I have rent, my insurance, my car to pay… he lists. I’ll manage, but some may be in a more precarious situation and must be very annoyed, especially with the inflation that we know. A hole in the budget which will be filled by Health Insurance once the problem has been solved since the sums wrongly withheld because of the computer bug will of course be returned.

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