“2000 mules”, a documentary about voter fraud in the 2020 US election

by time news

As the midterm elections to renew part of the senators and members of Congress approach, with their share of new candidates campaigning in each state, the investigations into the electoral fraud of November 2020 continue.

The perseverance of certain American patriots determined to expose the truth about the election results is all the more remarkable since most seem to have thrown in the towel in the face of insufficient evidence and the inertia of the judicial system.

Organized Trafficking in Illegal Ballots

However, certain events have provided irrefutable proof of the remote manipulation of votes via Dominion machines. The algorithms used have been decrypted by experts and the reality of cyberattacks from foreign countries was also proven and presented during the seminar organized by Mike Lindell in August 2021. Unfortunately, these fraudulent maneuvers are of such magnitude that they call into question certain senior officials of the White House, whether at the Pentagon, the FBI, the Department of Justice, and within the management of intelligence agencies such as the CIA or the NSA.

After months of attempts to convince lawmakers in the affected states to conduct formal investigations and have the results decertified, these actions have come up against walls of helplessness or stalled.

We remember the audit of more than two million ballots carried out for Maricopa County in Arizona a year ago. A delegation of elected Republicans from Pennsylvania and Georgia traveled to Phoenix to see the quality of the work done and launch similar operations in their respective states. Karen Fann, the President of the Senate, very determined since the beginning of the disputes, had signed the summons allowing this audit to be carried out despite strong opposition within the administration. She finally gave the audit report to Attorney General Mark Brnovich who hastened to… file it. Was she threatened, as well as her family, according to the practices of mafia cartels? It is possible, because after the official presentation of the audit report, the conclusion was clear: the results of the presidential elections in Arizona had to be decertified.

“2000 Mules,” a documentary released in theaters and online May 7, 2022, exposes much more down-to-earth fraud practices typical of organized crime cartels. Just as drug cartels pay “mules” to transport goods from point A to point B, these mules have been paid to collect ballots from associations and other collection points and then drop them off at the ballot boxes, in small packets of a few ballots.

It should be remembered that, thanks to the Covid-19 epidemic, many States encouraged postal voting several weeks before the November 2020 election. CTCL, an NGO funded by Mark and Priscilla Zuckerberg, contributed 400 million dollars to ensure the security of the 2020 elections, funding in particular the sending of ballots by mail, the “collection” of ballots and the installation of many ballot boxes, in priority in the Democratic counties.

A civic association is conducting the investigation

True the vote, the association at the heart of these investigations, was founded by Catherine Engelbrecht in 2009. In the tradition of American pioneers, this Texan mother at the head of a family business, is committed body and soul to restore electoral integrity in his country. For her, the main lie is simply that the 2020 presidential election was reliable and secure. It has developed a site to collect videos and messages from whistleblowers who have observed irregularities in the electoral process regardless of the state, then put together a team of experts to spot and track the mules via their mobile phones. in the five key states. The hotline of the site was solicited en masse by Americans skeptical about the conduct and results of the elections.

According to research conducted with Gregg Phillips, a former Mississippi director of social services who specialized in reviewing election procedures, at least 7% of mail-in ballots were tampered with. The technique is the same as that already exposed by Dr. Douglas Frank, it is based on outdated voters’ lists allowing false voters, deceased or who have moved, to vote.

The documentary focuses on the trafficking of ballots collected through ballot boxes in the five key states: Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, but that doesn’t mean similar frauds haven’t happened. been perpetrated in other states.

In each state, several organizations – NGOs serving low-income citizens, elderly or dependent people, social centers in Hispanic and African-American communities, churches – collect ballots, even though the law forbids it. For each targeted county, Truethevote requested and obtained from the administrations the official images of the surveillance videos of the electoral ballot boxes. These images made it possible to locate the traffic of ballot papers and to identify the mules committing their crime. The team combined the whereabouts of these mules with geolocation data from their mobiles. A minimum of five passages was retained, from the point of collection of illegal ballots to an electoral ballot box.

Technology at the service of fraud detection

After spotting and analyzing the successive passages of the mules in each selected county, the association purchased 10 trillion of these geospatial data available on the market and which are collected from mobile phones. Those pings are sent by the various applications in the form of signals several times a minute. They are recovered by geo-satellites and analyzed to form behavior models deciphering the use of our mobiles. Remember that when applications are free, we actually pay for them by becoming the product ourselves. Those apps emit information on geolocation, purchasing behavior and information sharing as well as their timing; they are acquired and used regularly by many companies to brand their products and services, by the police, government agencies, the FBI, etc.

By combining the coordinates of the collection ballot boxes with those of the mobiles of the mules making the rounds of NGOs to collect the illegal ballot papers, then distribute them in several ballot boxes, the results obtained are edifying in their amplitude.

2,000 mules in three states overturn election

Based on 2000 mules identified by Truethevote (their mobile numbers being known, their names are also known and can be handed over to justice in due time), each mule made a tour of 38 ballot boxes, and deposited an average of 5 ballots, for a total of 380,000 fraudulent votes.

The mules having deposited less than 5 ballot papers and carried out a round of less than ten electoral urns were not retained in these calculations. So considering just this conservative data, the election results are already reversing in three key states:

• Georgia with 250 mules having delivered 30,000 illegal votes, nearly three times the margin of 12,000 votes which separates the two candidates, swings for Trump with its 16 electors,
• Arizona with 200 mules having delivered 20,000 illegal votes, i.e. twice the margin of 10,000 votes which separates the two candidates, swings for Trump with his 11 electors,
• The city of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania alone totals 1,100 mules having each cast an average of five ballots in 50 ballot boxes, or 275,000 illegal votes, more than three times the margin between Trump and Biden, and its 20 electors go to Trump already giving him the victory.

In fact, Truthevote has tracked and identified over 54,000 mules across the five states. This organized criminal activity made it possible to incorporate into the results 810,000 fraudulent ballot papers, which, once opened and separated from their envelopes, can no longer be traced. Remember that in the United States the voter puts his signature on the envelope. One of the videos from the film shows a mule returning to her car to “sign” each envelope, which she then stuffs into the ballot box. Based on this calculation, Trump won the election in these five key states totaling 305 votes to Biden’s 255. As Donald Trump had denounced and as Mike Lindell had also shown.

The media mainstream may have kept silent and repeated like a mantra “the 2020 election was the most reliable in American electoral history”the facts are there: coordinated and systematic fraud did take place in each of the key states.

The documentary earned over $1 million in its first 12 hours of streaming on Rumble and Locals. As film producer Dinesh D’Souza states, “Without free and fair elections, we are no longer a democracy, we are a criminal cartel posing as a democracy”.

Let’s hope that some brave judges, because it takes courage and determination to act despite threats, will dare to summon these mules and question them to finally judge these frauds that have taken place in all the key states. The survival of democracy is indeed at stake.

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