2000 years ago, the relief of a “computer” appeared 800 years ago and a “mobile phone” appeared in the world?Expert: Other Civilizations Exist | 2000 years ago | Computers | 800 years ago | Nokia | Cell Phones | Earth | Extraterrestrial Civilizations | Other Civilizations

by time news

[Voice of Hope, October 17, 2022](Editor: Guo Xiao)In such a long time on the earth, only human beings possessed wisdom and created a unique civilization. Therefore, some people think that our civilization is the first civilization on the earth. But this statement seems untenable, because archaeologists have discovered many unexplainable things when they study ancient things, and these things may be related to ancient civilizations. Perhaps other advanced civilizations appeared before our human civilization appeared. However, because the current science and technology of human beings are still very limited, many of these explorations have no evidence to prove whether they are related to ancient civilizations. Therefore, many relics currently explored by human beings have some phenomena that are confusing and even unexplainable.

Over time, however, these phenomena have become unsolved mysteries. So people began to suspect that there was an unknown civilization before us. There are also more and more people who believe that their existence has a great relationship with prehistoric civilization. After a long period of interpretation, some scientists said that our human civilization may be the sixth civilization to appear on the earth. The previous five civilizations disappeared from the earth due to various reasons. The reason why they can’t find their relics may be that the destruction was too thorough in the process of the disaster, or it may be that the time is too long, and the earth has a very high self-cleaning ability, which has made these civilizations completely disappear on the earth. gone, leaving no trace.

Some people also believe that their level of civilization development has surpassed that of modern human society, and they have mastered the ability to enter space. When they predicted that there may be disasters on the earth, they took their own aircraft and left the earth. , go to the depths of the universe to find a new home. In the process of archaeology there are also many images showing that they may actually exist. Some time ago, in a museum in Malibu, California, USA, a 2,000-year-old ancient Greek funerary relief drew attention, showing a young maid holding an object that seemed to be opened at a right angle for a woman of outstanding appearance. watch. The items in the hands of the standing people look very similar to laptops on the market today.

And the USB interface on the computer-like settings is also clearly visible, so many people suspect that this is a product of civilization left over from ancient times. It’s not the first time that modern products have been found in ancient artifacts. Researchers have discovered a mysterious object in Salzburg, western Austria, with cuneiform writing that resembles an old Nokia mobile phone. Antiquities expert Daniel Munoz confirmed through isotope testing that it was an 800-year-old product, and it was just a model, not a real mobile phone. Some experts speculate that it is very likely that extraterrestrial civilizations visited the earth and produced these modern technological products before humans appeared on earth. However, this is too surprising for humans, and it also makes it necessary for scientists to conduct a comprehensive exploration.

Responsible editor: Li Jingrou

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