2016 earthquake, the earthquake victims risk returning to pay mortgages on the rubble: the extension of the suspension jumps in the maneuver. “Teased”

by time news

Having to return to pay i mortgages on the rubble, or rather on uninhabitable houses. It is the bitter gift received by the earthquake victims of Central Italy, hit by the tremors of 2016 and 2017, for the beginning of 2022. The reason? After the green light for the extension of the suspension, approved in the Senate, the Mef has rejected the provision in the maxi-amendment to the Budget Law “at the last minute”, as explained by the Mortgage Committee on Rubble and the Marches parliamentarians of the 5-star Movement. The measure therefore never reached the Chamber.

The risk of returning to having to pay the banks for an asset that, for obvious reasons, they no longer use is therefore real. So much so that he confirms Flavia Giombetti of the Committee of 30 October al Fatto.it, some banks have already sent letters for the January installments. From the 5-star Movement, meanwhile, they ensure that they have set to work so that the extension “finds the right space within the Milleproroghe decree”, underlining that “an Agenda signed by all the parliamentary groups that commits the government on this problem to be solved urgently “. To date, however, nothing is written in black and white and the earthquake victims remain uncertain.

“The extension of the suspension of mortgages in the earthquake areas has disappeared from the Maneuver despite the fact that there was financial coverage. In fact, in this way they unleash a war between the poor – he still says al Fatto.it Giombetti – In the financial sector they have allocated funds for everything. Even for stray dogs. What about us earthquake victims? We will be tired, disillusioned, but we still have the strength to raise our heads so as not to be fooled primarily by politics“. In doing so, denounces the president of the Committee, born in the aftermath of the earthquake of 30 October 2016, “the state helps the banks and does not help the people who, between the earthquake and the pandemic, are sitting on the ground”. Today the earthquake victims feel cheated. Yet another joke. “In the financial sector they really brought back the tip law, 700 thousand euros to a sports field in Barletta, funds for the 80th anniversary of the De Gasperi association. Here we were only asking for an extension ”, says Giombetti, underlining that there are people“ who find it difficult to move forward ”.

The same Extraordinary Commissioner for reconstruction, Giovanni Legnini, during the last press conference to take stock of the post-earthquake situation, on 29 December, he addressed the issue of suspension: “Unfortunately – said the commissioner – the requested measure of the suspension did not find space in the latest law of budget despite the matter had been submitted to the budget commission, but I am confident that it will be included in the Milleproroghe text “.

Confidence, however, in many earthquake victims begins to waver. “They approved and extended everything except the suspension of mortgages, behind the strong push of the banks – reads a post on Facebook by the Mortgage Committee on Rubble – But on the other hand, how could it be different from this? We are poor and uncomfortable children of this nation. The children of an inland that were already emptying, where the earthquake was an incentive to continue to do better, what they had started. They want us exhausted and helpless. A government that cares about its citizens does not deserve respect ”.

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