2021 – The annual summary of the National Road Safety Authority

by time news

As every year, the National Road Safety Authority publishes the year-end summary report on road accidents. In previous years) we do not present a credible picture as the year 2020 was exceptional, characterized by prolonged closures and a significant decrease in the number of fatalities.

Anyone wishing to dive into each year’s data in the mule is invited to review the road safety trend books published last October (https://go.gov.il/trends2020) and the trend book published in the previous year and which has additional analyzes (https://www.gov.il / he / departments / publications / reports / trends_2019).

Key insights:

  • This year, 361 people were killed in 333 fatal accidents, compared to 326 killed in 288 fatal accidents on average in the years 2018-2020. The high number of fatalities is an increase of about 11% in the number of fatalities and an increase of about 16% in the number of fatal accidents this year compared to the average for the years 2018-2020.
  • 33% of the dead are private car users, 26% pedestrians, 23% motorcycle and scooter riders.
  • The injury of the population of motorcyclists and scooters is noticeable, of which 84 riders have been killed since the beginning of the year, and there has been a 43% increase in injuries compared to the average for the years 2018-2020. The share of dead riders among all the dead continues to climb: 2018-14%, 2019-18%, 2020-22.5%, 2021-23%.
  • Young drivers: 56 young drivers were killed this year, a number that is a 42% increase compared to the average for the years 2018-2020, along with a worrying increase in the involvement of young drivers in fatal accidents that increased this year by 30% compared to the 2018-2020 average.
  • Self-accidents: 25% of those killed in private car accidents were killed in self-accidents (without the involvement of another factor) and 35% of those killed among motorcyclists and scooter riders were killed in self-accidents.
  • On intercity roads there was an 18% increase in the number of fatalities and a 2% increase in accidents within cities.
  • In the tiny tools segment: this year, 11 regular (non-electric) cyclists were killed, compared with 13 killed on average in the years 2018-2020, in electric bicycles, 14 riders were killed this year, compared to an average of 19 in the years 2018-2020. Four electric scooter riders were killed this year, compared to two riders averaging the years 2018-2020.
  • In the worlds of heavy vehicles (bus and truck over 3.5 tons) there was an 18% increase in the number of fatalities in truck involvement compared to an 11% decrease in the number of fatalities in bus involvement.
  • As in previous years, 78% of those killed in road accidents are men compared to 21% women (another 1% unknown).
  • In 2021 the deadliest month is the month of April in which 47 people were killed, the deadliest day of the week is Friday, and the deadliest hours during the day are 16-17 in the evening.
  • Failure to give right of way to a pedestrian is the most common offense (19%) found to be the cause of a serious accident, along with non-compliance with traffic lights (12%) and speeding (9%).

It is clarified that this report is correct and accurate for the moment of sending it and may be updated later. The final death toll will be officially determined only on 31.1.2022 and will include the injured and killed of all 2021 including those injured and deceased late death in hospital up to 30 days from accident.

Ralbad CEO (Actual) Snir Seidel2021 is the deadliest year in the last four years. 361 people have been killed in road accidents in the past year, 361 families have been destroyed and another 2,000 are seriously injured each year and in need of long rehabilitation. The State of Israel must and can change the situation through adoption and budgeting Range as formulated by the RALB and the Ministry of Transportation, similar to what has been done in many countries around the world that have managed to significantly reduce the serious injury in road accidents. On the road. “

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