2022 elections: how many have voted so far? | ongoing updates

by time news

Israeli citizens are going to the polls today (Tuesday) for the fifth time in three and a half years, with the hope that this time a stable government will be formed that will put an end to the ongoing political crisis. As of 12:00, the voting percentage is 28.4%.

Smotrich explains: It is the achievement at the ballot box that will ensure that religious Zionism will be in the government
Gantz attacks Netanyahu: “This liar is not able to say anything true”

ongoing updates:

13:00: Director General of the Election Commission, Orly Ades She updated that as of 12 o’clock in the morning the voting figures stand at 28.4%, compared to 25.4% at this time in the previous elections. This is the highest figure since the 1999 elections.

11:29: the president Yitzhak Herzog He visited the central election committee in the Knesset, and addressed the citizens: “I am calling on the entire public, go out and vote and make an impact because every voice has an impact.”

President Herzog at the Central Election Commission (Photo: Haim Tzach, Chief of Staff)

11:00: Director General of the Election Commission, Orly Ades She updated that as of 10 am the voting figures stand at 15.9%, compared to 14.9% at this time in the previous elections.

10:03: the head of the opposition Benjamin Netanyahu Voted for the 25th Knesset together with his wife Sarah. “It’s a great privilege to go and vote, I’m a little worried, but with the help of the people who hear us, I hope we’ll end the day with a victory. I hope you won’t give up the democratic right.”

Netanyahu in the vote for the 25th Knesset, Likud spokespersons

Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu at the ballot box, 2022 elections (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu at the ballot box, 2022 elections (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)

10:00: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Gideon Saar He said upon entering the ballot box: “This is a very fateful day for the country, for the future of our children and our grandchildren. There is a very simple way to protect the country and ensure its future: put a “yes” note in the ballot box. Vote “yes” to save the country from extremism and establish a stable and strong unity government “.

Gideon Sa'ar votes in the elections to the 25th Knesset (Photo: No)Gideon Sa’ar votes in the elections to the 25th Knesset (Photo: No)

09:51: Chairman of B.L.D Sami Abu Shahada He voted at the ballot box in Jaffa together with his family, and wrote: “From here to the north and the Negev we feel the support and the positive spirit. I call on our supporters and people who strive for real democracy to come out and vote. There will be an election surprise in Leh and you will see it tonight. We will continue to fight for Shivin and the state of all its citizens.”

MK Sami Abu Shahada voting for the 25th Knesset (photo: Dovrot Bel'd)MK Sami Abu Shahada voting for the 25th Knesset (photo: Dovrot Bel’d)

09:40: Chairman of Religious Zionism MK Bezalel Smotrich He came to vote at the polling station near his home in Kedumim, and after the vote he gave a statement to the local media: “Our goal is to end the elections with religious Zionism greater than the party of Gantz and Eisenkot. That way we will ensure that only a full right-wing government will be established and God forbid a left-wing government of Netanyahu and Gantz.”

“These elections will be decided on the weight of individual votes. I call from the bottom of my heart to all the voters and especially to my brothers and sisters who are members of the national religious community – do not throw your vote in the trash, vote only for the party on the right that passes the threshold so that your vote that went to the trash was the missing vote to 61 and to establish a national and Zionist Jewish government,” he added.

Bezalel Smotrich votes in the elections to the 25th Knesset (Photo: Religious Zionist Spokesperson)Bezalel Smotrich votes in the elections to the 25th Knesset (Photo: Religious Zionist Spokesperson)
Ron Katz and Shelley Maron - Yesh Atid (Photo: Zeev Stern)Ron Katz and Shelley Maron – Yesh Atid (Photo: Zeev Stern)

09:30: Chairman of Hadash-Ta’al MK Ayman Odeh Voted at the polling station in the Kabbir neighborhood in Haifa. “I voted Hadash-Ta’al to block Netanyahu and Ben Gavirim and to ensure in the Knesset a voice for peace, equality and social justice. Now it’s your turn!”

09:27: Chairman of the Jewish Home and Minister of the Interior, Ayelet Shaked Voting this morning in Tel Aviv “From my conversations yesterday with pollsters, the right-wing bloc does not have 61, but 60. Only a vote for the Jewish Home will result in a right-wing government. Go vote B!”, she said.

Ayelet Shaked votes in the elections to the 25th Knesset (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)Ayelet Shaked votes in the elections to the 25th Knesset (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

09:15: Minister of Defense and Chairman of the State Camp, Benny Gantzvoted at the ballot box in Rosh Hayin.

Benny Gantz votes in the 25th Knesset elections (Photo: Ehud Amithon/TPS)Benny Gantz votes in the 25th Knesset elections (Photo: Ehud Amithon/TPS)

09:10 Chairman of Burning Youth Hadar is crowned Tweeted on her Twitter account: “I voted C, then a minute after that I was attacked outside the polling station. If anyone has the recording of what happened live – please send it to me, I want to take it to the police.”

09:00: Chairman Meretz Zhava Galleon Voting at the ballot box in Petah Tikva: “We are in an emergency situation.” These are the first elections in the country’s history between democracy and Cohenism. Meretz is swinging, and if she falls – Netanyahu will be prime minister and Ben Gvir commander of the assault companies. Our data from the last few days is very worrying. This is a final call to the change camp to mobilize: if you don’t vote Meretz – the whole bloc collapses. We must vote from Meretz.’

08:50: Chairman of the Labor Party, Minister Marev Michaeli Voting this morning at the polling station in Tel Aviv.

Merav Michaeli voting for the 25th Knesset (Photo: Raanan Cohen)Merav Michaeli voting for the 25th Knesset (Photo: Raanan Cohen)

08:44: the president Yitzhak Herzog Exercised the right to vote for the elections to the 25th Knesset and called on all Israeli citizens to come out and vote. “It is an enormous right to participate in the process of free, clean and equal elections. Billions of people in the world do not receive this right. Other countries in the world do not give this right. We should be truly grateful as a nation, that we have a democratic system where every citizen is a citizen can have an impact,” he said.

“I want to say again – voting has an impact without a shadow of a doubt. Anyone who thinks that his or her voice does not matter is wrong. Therefore, I call on all citizens of the country, exercise your democratic right and go vote,” he added.

President Herzog and his wife vote, 2022 election (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)President Herzog and his wife vote, 2022 election (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

08:30: The Prime Minister and Chairman of Yesh Atid voted for the 25th Knesset. “These elections are between the future and the past. Go vote today for the future of our children, for the future of our country,” he said.

Yair and Lihya Lapid voting for the 25th Knesset (Photo: Elad Gutman)Yair and Lihya Lapid voting for the 25th Knesset (Photo: Elad Gutman)

08:05: An unusual event was recorded in Beit Shemesh: the Jerusalem District Police opened an investigation this morning on the suspicion that a pungent smell leaked from one of the polling stations in the Ramat Beit Shemesh B neighborhood. This, after the police received a complaint about it, and investigators who arrived at the scene began an investigation to find out the source of the smell.

According to the suspicion, during the night ultra-Orthodox who oppose the elections apparently spilled a substance with a pungent smell. After cleaning the place, the polls opened on time.

07:58: Chairman of Otzma Yehudit Itamar Ben Gvir He voted this morning for the 25th Knesset, after his vote he said: “On our ballot we also accept Netanyahu as prime minister but also a full right-wing government. For enough years there have been excuses why right-wing policies are not implemented. Now is an opportunity for us to be bigger than Gantz and implement right-wing policies.” .

Otzma Yehudit Chairman Itamar Ben Gabir votes in the 2022 elections (Photo: Noam Ravkin Fenton, Flash 90)Otzma Yehudit Chairman Itamar Ben Gabir votes in the 2022 elections (Photo: Noam Ravkin Fenton, Flash 90)

07:46: Chairman of Israel Beytinu Avigdor Lieberman He voted this morning at the ballot box in the polling stations, before his vote he said: “”The question today is what country we will wake up to tomorrow. I hope that we will wake up to a Zionist, liberal, tolerant and free country and not to a Halacha country with a coalition of darkness controlled by Rabbi Tau and Rabbi Goldknopf. The other question is where the budgets will go, whether The money will go to meetings and congratulation or the money will go to hi-tech and the IDF soldiers. The only party that does not twist and turn on this issue is Yisrael Beitenu. That is why we are very optimistic, and I call on all citizens of Israel to go out and vote.’

07:38: Chairman of Shas Aryeh Deri Voted this morning for the 25th Knesset at the polling station in the Har Nof neighborhood in Jerusalem. “This is a fateful campaign, everyone who wants a Jewish state should go out and vote. Wake up and go vote, to replace this government so that there will be a Jewish state that will help the weak. If everyone does like me and goes to vote, there will be 61, no more fraudsters who take votes from the right and transfer them to the left – now everything Obviously, people know the truth,” he said with his vote.

Yore Shas Aryeh Deri voting for the 25th Knesset, without credit

Sha's Chairman Aryeh Deri votes for the 25th Knesset (Photo: Marek Israel Salem)Sha’s Chairman Aryeh Deri votes for the 25th Knesset (Photo: Marek Israel Salem)

07:34: Prime Minister and Chairman of Yesh Atid, Yair Lapid, began election day at the cemetery in front of the grave of his father Yosef Tomi Lapid. “My father told me all his life, ‘Remember that the greatest miracle that happened to us is that the Jews have their own country.’ I promised him this morning that we will continue to work hard to ensure the future of this miracle.’

Prime Minister Yair Lapid at the cemetery (Photo: Elad Gutman)Prime Minister Yair Lapid at the cemetery (Photo: Elad Gutman)

07:00: Polling stations have opened throughout the country.

2022 elections (Photo: Avshalom Sassouni)2022 elections (Photo: Avshalom Sassouni)
2022 elections (Photo: Avshalom Sassouni)2022 elections (Photo: Avshalom Sassouni)
A citizen voting at the ballot box, elections (Photo: Avshalom Sassooni)A citizen voting at the ballot box, elections (Photo: Avshalom Sassooni)
2022 elections (Photo: Avshalom Sassouni)2022 elections (Photo: Avshalom Sassouni)

The process of counting the votes of the voters tonight will begin immediately after the polls close at 10:00 PM. Each ballot committee will count the votes cast and then transfer them centrally, along with the ballot boxes, to the regional election committee, where the voting protocol will be finally approved and the results will be streamed to the computers of the central election committee in the Knesset.

Intermediate results will be announced during the night. The final results will be received only after they count the approximately 400,000 double envelopes that include the ballots of overseas voters, patients in the hospitals, police officers, prison guards and soldiers – towards Thursday in the evening.

The elections are in numbers

  • Number of voters – 6,788,804
  • The number of polling stations – 12,495
  • The number of competing lists – 40
  • Block percentage – 3.25%
  • The voting rate in the previous elections – 44.6%
  • The opening session of the 25th Knesset – November 15

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