2022 Labor Grant Payment Brought Forward for Tishrei Holidays: Get the Supplement in your Slip this Month!

by time news

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Director of the Tax Authority, Eran Ya’akov, have announced that the second payment of the labor grant for 2022 will be disbursed earlier than expected. The payment, which amounts to around NIS 300 million, will be made today (Tuesday), a month ahead of the legally mandated date. This move is aimed at enabling the public to utilize the grant funds for the upcoming Tishrei holidays.

Approximately 200,000 eligible individuals, including both employees and self-employed individuals, will find the second payment out of the four for the grant in their bank accounts on Thursday. The purpose of the work grant is to improve the economic situation of workers who earn low wages and to reduce economic-social disparities. It also serves as an incentive for their integration into the labor market. Applications for the work grant for 2022 can be submitted online through the Tax Authority’s website until the end of 2024, or via mail until the end of 2023. The application process is simple and straightforward.

The 2022 grant includes a special supplement of 40%, which is part of the government’s plan to combat the rising cost of living. As per the plan, employees who receive income from a relative will be eligible for the grant for the duration of their employment with the relative, at a rate of 40% of the amount they would have received if employed by a non-relative.

The grant is available to employed and self-employed individuals who are aged 21 and over and who are parents or aged 55 and over, even without children. To be eligible for the grant in 2022, the average monthly income must exceed NIS 1,380 and not exceed NIS 12,480. The maximum grant amount for this year is NIS 13,104, with an average grant of approximately NIS 5,500.

Minister Bezalel Smotrich expressed his commitment to easing the cost of living for Israeli citizens, particularly during the Tishrei holidays, which mark the beginning of a new year. He emphasized that the government is dedicated to working for the welfare of the people and wished everyone a happy new year.

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