2022 presidential poll: nearly six out of ten French people see Macron re-elected

by time news

With nine days to go until the second round of voting, the outcome of the presidential election is still uncertain. Emmanuel Macron, however, keeps a slight lead over his rival Marine Le Pen, according to our daily Ipsos Sopra Steria poll for Le Parisien, Radio France and France Télévisions, dated April 15.

Macron progresses by one point. The president-candidate widens his gap slightly with Marine Le Pen. This Thursday, he collects 56% of voting intentions, while Marine Le Pen only collects 44%, a score down one point compared to our polls published over the past two days. Each time, the margin of error is plus or minus 3.4 points. If the gap had gradually narrowed between the two favorites in the days preceding the first round of the ballot (6 points difference on April 8), it seems to be widening again, while remaining lower than that which finally occurred. in 2017. Emmanuel Macron then won with 66.1% of the votes cast, against 33.9% for the RN candidate.

A majority of French people believe in the re-election of the outgoing president. 59 % of French respondents believe that Emmanuel Macron will be re-elected, against only 18% who predict a victory for Marine Le Pen. Within the electorate of the candidate of the National Rally, nearly a third of those polled also believe that she will be beaten in the second round by the Head of State. Conversely, only 1% of Emmanuel Macron’s voters are considering his defeat.

Reports of votes still unfavorable to Marine Le Pen. To access the supreme magistracy and catch up, Marine Le Pen must still benefit from more significant vote transfers. Only 16% of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s voters in the first round intend to vote for her in the second, a score down two points from the last two days. This is also the case for 18% of respondents who voted for Valérie Pécresse, against 16% a day earlier, and 25% even before that.

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