2023 Autumn Round Corona Vaccination Report: Over 2.7 Million People Vaccinated

by time news

2024-01-24 14:22:29

More than 2,731,000 people received a corona shot in the autumn round of 2023. For people over 60, the vaccination rate is 50.5% reports the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

Vaccination rates vary by age group and region. The corona shot was available until December 22, 2023, and recommended for people aged 60 and over, people aged 18 and over who are eligible for the flu shot, other children and adults with serious conditions that put them at risk of serious COVID-19. healthcare workers with patient and/or client contact and pregnant women.

(Photo Amstelveenweb.com – 2021)

Corona vaccination in Amstelveen in 2021

Vaccination rate autumn round 2023 per age group and region. The vaccination rate for people over 60 is lowest for 60-64 year olds (31.8%) and highest for 80-84 year olds (65.8%). From week 44 onwards, a rapid increase can be seen in the vaccination rate in the 75-79 age group. This increase can be seen from week 46 in the 70-74 age group. The 70-79 year olds received the invitation for the corona shot a little later than the other age groups. In a number of municipalities in the provinces of Friesland and Overijssel, the vaccination rate is somewhat lower than expected based on previous vaccination rounds. An evaluation is important to investigate which factors have influenced the vaccination rate.

Comparison of vaccination rates autumn rounds 2022 and 2023. The vaccination rate of the 2023 autumn round for people over 60 was 8.5% lower than the vaccination rate of the autumn 2022 round (vaccination rate report January 3, 2023). The differences between age groups show the same pattern as in 2022: the vaccination rate was also lowest among 60-64 year olds in 2022 and highest for 75-79 and 80-84 year olds.

The start date of an autumn round differed in both years. In 2022, the autumn round started on September 19, while the autumn round in 2023 started on October 2. In addition, the autumn round of 2022 had no official end date, while in 2023 people could get a corona shot until the end of December 2023. Another difference is that the flu shot group between 18 and 60 years of age received a personal invitation via their GP for a vaccination at the GGD (Municipal Health Service) in 2022. In the autumn round of 2023, this group was mainly approached through media campaigns.

Coronaprik in 2024. The corona shot remains available for pregnant women and for adults and children from medically high-risk groups who are referred for a corona shot by their treating physician. The corona shot contributes to protection against serious illness caused by corona. This is reflected in the results of the study into COVID-19 hospital and ICU (intensive care) admissions by vaccination status.

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