– 2024-09-25 17:23:06

by times news cr

2024-09-25 17:23:06

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is comfortably outperforming his Democratic rival Kamala Harris on foreign policy in key US election states.

This was reported by Axios, citing data from new polls by the Institute of Global Affairs.

Polls show that swing voters in six key battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — see Trump as better able to address key international issues. Among those issues are ending Russia’s war in Ukraine, resolving the conflict in Gaza, and responding to potential Chinese aggression against Taiwan. Voters believe Trump will be more effective in advancing U.S. interests on the world stage than Harris.

In particular, according to polls, Trump leads in the states with 58% to 42% on the issue of ending the armed conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. A similar gap is observed regarding a possible Chinese attack on Taiwan. Voters are confident that Trump will be able to respond to this threat more quickly and effectively.

The Republican nominee also leads Harris on immigration policy. In swing states, 56 percent of voters say Trump would do a better job, compared to just 44 percent who say Harris is the best candidate.

Nationally, however, Harris has an edge on other important issues. She beats Trump on responding to global crises (52% to 48%) and improving the United States’ international reputation (53% to 47%). But in swing states, those gaps are all but gone, making the situation less clear.

The study also found that voters perceive Trump’s foreign policy stance as more articulate than Harris’, especially in swing states that could be decisive in the election. However, experts say foreign policy is not a top issue for most voters, with the exception of immigration.

The poll was conducted by the Institute of Global Affairs from August 15 to 22, 2024, among 1,865 U.S. citizens, including 1,000 voters in six key states. The survey has a margin of error of +/- 3.9%.

Earlier, Cursor wrote about how the Kremlin is helping Trump become president with the help of AI.

Russia is waging a massive campaign to support Trump while discrediting his opponents.

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