21.2 million Ukrainian refugees have fled

by time news

2023-05-03 18:22:14

The war in Ukraine turns 434 days old this Wednesday, if it is that it did not begin in 2014 when the first clashes between the Ukrainian and Russian or pro-Russian forces already took place in the Crimean area and in Donbas.

If we take February 24, 2022 as the reference date, the number of refugees who have fled the country exceeds 21.2 million people, who have been forced to leave their homes to flee the horror and barbarism caught up in the conflict.

It should be remembered that, as in all wars, the main victims are women, girls, boys and the elderly, among others –also the certainty of the facts–. The war conflict continues without showing an iota of will to put an end to it, on the part of the parties involved.

Neither Russia, nor Ukraine, nor the United States, nor the countries of the Atlantic Alliance (NATO) seem to be looking for –let alone finding– a way to sit down negotiate a cessation of the humanitarian disaster. The escalating escalation has silenced pacifist voices, in a drift more typical of war propaganda than of the will to inform, which does so much damage to the principles and good work of democratic institutions. It is a crucial conflict from which a new world geopolitical order can follow.

About 52% of the population has abruptly left Ukraine, because of the violence of the fighting and raids

About 52% of the population has abruptly left Ukraine, due to the violence of the combats and incursions, as can be seen from the latest data collected by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The number of refugees who have crossed the country’s border into the rest of Europe continues to grow daily following the order of Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 24 to carry out the “special military operation”.

Flow of refugees from Ukraine to other countries as of May 2, 2023 / Map: EA

UNHCR estimates that more than 21.2 million people have fled Ukraine since the start of the Russian military offensive, which it considers to be the fastest exodus from Europe since World War II.

He High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that more than 21.2 million people have fled Ukraine, since the beginning of the Russian military offensive, which he considers to be the fastest exodus in Europe since World War II. In other words, up to 52% of the population –estimated at almost 41 million in 2021– would have left Ukrainian territory.

The family of Ruslan Masnic (man in the center) together with his family on the left and a friend of his wife in Chisinau (Moldova) / Photo: FFM - EA

According to the latest UNHCR data (1), 21,237,833 people have left the Ukrainian territory as of May 2, 2023. By countries, 10.885.691 Ukrainian refugees have already arrived Poland (April 16th), 2.852.395 a Russia (October 3, 2022), 2.524.705 a Hungary (April 18th), 2.240.464 a Romania (April 16th), 1.313.431 a Slovakia (April 16th), 802.705 a Moldavia (April 16) and 16.705 a belarus (April 11).

A group of refugees go to catch a bus in Palanca (Moldova) / Photo: FFM - EA

The High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that almost 8.2 Millions of Ukrainian refugees have already been registered in European territory, and that more than five million would be in a situation of Temporary Protection, due to the Russian invasion of his country.


#million #Ukrainian #refugees #fled

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