22nd National Assembly opens with longest delay since democratization constitutional amendment… President’s absence also first

by times news cr
Speaker of the National Assembly Woo Won-shik strikes the gavel at the first plenary session of the 418th National Assembly (regular session) held at the National Assembly Hall in Yeouido, Seoul on the afternoon of the 2nd. 2024.9.2

The opening ceremony of the 22nd National Assembly, which had been postponed due to extreme conflict between the ruling and opposition parties, was held on the 2nd, three months after the opening.

It was the ‘longest delayed’ opening ceremony since the Sixth Republic was established through the democratization constitutional amendment in 1987. The opening ceremony was originally scheduled to be held on July 5th. However, due to the ruling and opposition parties clashing over the Marine Corps Special Prosecutor Act and President Yoon’s impeachment hearing, it was postponed and finally held on this day, 96 days after the 22nd National Assembly began its term.

It is also the first time since the 6th Republic that a sitting president has not attended the opening ceremony. A senior official in the presidential office said in a phone call that day, “Does it make sense to ask the National Assembly to come to the opening ceremony when they do not recognize the president and are trying to impeach him?” It seems that they decided that it would be meaningless to give an opening ceremony speech in a situation where they are only pressuring the government by re-introducing bills that they exercised their right to request reconsideration (veto).

Speaker Woo Won-shik presided over the opening ceremony of the 22nd National Assembly and the 418th National Assembly at the National Assembly plenary hall on this day. Speaker Woo said at the event, “I sincerely hope that today’s opening ceremony will be a new opportunity to look back on the first three months of the 22nd National Assembly and to sharpen our stance and determination.”

He continued, “The National Assembly has the responsibility to reflect the voice of the people in legislation and convey it to the government,” and emphasized, “The mission of the 22nd National Assembly is determined by the public sentiment that formed the 22nd National Assembly, and the 22nd National Assembly must clearly fulfill its responsibilities as a legislative body accordingly.”

He presented the following tasks given to the 22nd National Assembly: △ embracing the people’s livelihood, △ resolving long-standing issues such as constitutional amendments, and △ opening the way to the future by responding to climate and population crises. In particular, regarding the population crisis, Speaker Woo emphasized, “The National Assembly should take the lead in establishing a new ministry dedicated to population,” and “Let’s expedite the revision of the Government Organization Act to establish a new ministry dedicated to population, and let’s also begin in earnest the formation of a National Assembly committee that will oversee the government ministry.”

In addition, Chairman Woo proposed a social dialogue to resolve the medical vacuum caused by the political conflict that has continued for over half a year regarding people’s livelihood. He said, “I welcome the discussions that the representatives of the ruling and opposition parties have begun,” and urged, “Let’s come together as the government, the ruling and opposition parties, medical professionals, patients, and victims, and make up our minds to find a solution.”

Regarding the constitutional amendment, Speaker Woo said to the ruling and opposition parties, “The scope of the constitutional amendment and the timing of its application should be open, but the national referendum on the constitutional amendment should be held no later than the local elections in the year after next,” and “I propose constitutional amendment talks to the president once again.”

The National Assembly will begin its 100-day regular session with the opening ceremony on this day. Speeches by representatives of the negotiating groups are scheduled for the 4th and 5th. On the 4th, Park Chan-dae, the floor leader of the Democratic Party, will speak, and on the 5th, Choo Kyung-ho, the floor leader of the People Power Party, will speak.

The government will be questioned for four days from the 9th to the 12th of the same month. The National Assembly members will continue their questioning on politics on the 9th, foreign affairs, unification, and security on the 10th, economy on the 11th, and education, society, and culture on the 12th.

The plenary session scheduled for the 26th of this month is expected to see the ruling and opposition parties clash fiercely again after taking a short break. A re-vote is planned on the four broadcasting laws, the yellow envelope law, and the 250,000 won support law for all citizens, which President Yoon returned to the National Assembly after exercising his right to request reconsideration (veto).

The state audit will be held for 19 days from October 7 to 25 next month. After the state audit, the National Assembly Budget Settlement Special Committee’s review of the government budget plan is expected to begin in earnest in November.

Reporter Kim Jeong-hyeon Photo News 1


2024-09-02 08:21:37

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