24 March ‘World Tuberculosis Day’ severe infectious disease that has killed so many lives

by time news

‘World Tuberculosis Day’ (World Tuberculosis Day) or international tuberculosis day It falls on March 24 of every year. The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) has proposed to designate March 24 of each year as the world tuberculosis day (World TB Day) officially. To remind people around the world that tuberculosis is still a global epidemic.

tuberculosis count as contagious disease One type that kills many people around the world. In the old days, tuberculosis was an abomination of society. Because when it is, patients often have a chronic cough or cough up blood and can spread the infection to others. Later, he would lose his appetite until his body was thin until his death.

‘World Tuberculosis Day’ How did the history come about?

On March 24, 1882, Dr. Robert Koch announced the first discovery of the causative agent of tuberculosis, Tubercle bacillus. It is the cause of death in 1 in 7 of the total population. This discovery paves the way for the development of a cure for tuberculosis.

situation Tuberculosis in Thailand

tuberculosis It is a public health problem in Thailand. world health organization Ranked as one of the 14 countries in the world with a high burden of tuberculosis. HIV-associated tuberculosis and highly multidrug-resistant tuberculosis According to a 2016 World Health Organization report, it is estimated that Thailand has 120,000 TB cases, 15,000 TB cases associated with HIV infection.

tuberculosis Is it dangerous?

Tuberculosis or TB is a severe infectious disease which is caused by a bacteria called Microbacteria tuberculosis (Mycobacleriumtuberculosis) can occur in all organs of the body, but 80 percent occurs in the lungs, which in Thailand is still considered to have a high prevalence of the disease. because many patients are found every year but in general This disease often occurs in young children who do not yet have much immunity. or adults with congenital disease Especially AIDS patients are 10 times more likely to get tuberculosis than normal people because the body lacks immunity. make it easy to get infected

Symptoms of tuberculosis

  • Patients with tuberculosis will experience weakness and weakness.
  • loss of appetite, weight loss
  • Chills, low-grade fever, often sweating at night
  • When getting sick in the early stages, there is usually a dry cough. After that, you will begin to cough with phlegm. When you go to bed, you will have a very heavy cough. Both after waking up in the morning and after meals.
  • A chronic cough lasts for more than 3 weeks. There will also be panting or coughing up red blood clots. or black blood coming out together
  • In the case of children, the symptoms are more severe than adults because of lower immunity.
  • Some patients who are still There may not be a cough at all. But there will be pain in the chest instead.

If there is a chronic cough, there is blood in the blood, anorexia, and the body is thin Should see a doctor for timely treatment. If diagnosed with tuberculosis can be cured If taking medication as prescribed by a doctor and following up on continuous treatment

How to protect yourself from tuberculosis

1. If it is necessary to work in a place with poor ventilation Come out and get some fresh air during the day.

2. Always keep your body healthy. get enough rest exercise regularly Eat good and nutritious food.

3. Avoid close contact with TB patients during the infectious period.

4. Wear a mask When there is a risk of being close to a TB patient

5. Avoid behaviors that risk infection with HIV.

6. Reduce drinking alcohol, smoking and do not use drugs.

7. Health check at least once a year

international tuberculosis day In 2023, Stop TB Partnership and various international organizations have used the theme as a message to all sectors. Join together to campaign in the same direction, namely YES! WE CAN END TB. For Thailand, the main theme is “End tuberculosis, we can do it” From the past period of the severe outbreak of COVID-19, Thailand has had to work hard on tuberculosis control along with COVID-19.

but how preventive control operation tuberculosis In many parts, we are doing well, such as adding various benefits. for access tuberculosis care Modification of shorter anti-TB drug regimens according to World Health Organization guidelines Implementation of new diagnostic technologies and others in the National TB Programme.

All we can do bring hope and further success To end the country’s tuberculosis problem in accordance with the goals of the National Plan of Action to end tuberculosis. which will lead to the ultimate goal (Vision) which is TB-Free Thailand For TB-Free World “Tuberculosis-free Thailand for a Tuberculosis-Free World” next

information : Tuberculosis Division

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