24 Switch games we lost, as recommended by you

by time news
Photo: Nintendo Live

Back in September, we asked our awesome readers to tell us what hidden gems slipped through our fingers. I defended them, and our backlog (both personal and professional) became even more difficult.

We’re not kidding when we say we have a lot of nominations, and as a result, shrinking the list hasn’t been easy. However, this is the largest list of ‘Reader Recommendations’ to date, with 24 Titles that interest us. But don’t worry, even if your recommendation isn’t on the list, it still stares at us wistfully. Maybe the sixth part is coming very soon – this he is The first one we did this year and the first in over a year. We’d love to hear from all of you! So if you still think we’re missing something, or have another recommendation, follow the instructions at the end of the article to nominate more!

As always, thank you very much for responding to our rallying cry. As always, we’ve cut down the nominations for the games we’ve already reviewed and compiled the following list of games we’ve missed. Each entry contains a brief user comment or two (modified slightly in some cases for spelling and brevity), as well as a trailer to give you some highlights from the game. And at the end, you can vote in our poll and see what games others are playing. Your next favorite might be right here on this list—and maybe we have, too.

And with all that apart, and in no particular order, here are twenty-four recommendations for NL readers you should look out for:

Iron Tails (Switch)

publisher: United label / Developer: Strange bug studio

Release date: September 17, 2021 (United States of America) / September 17, 2021 (UK/EU)

Do you need more playable mice for your video games? And not just the nice variety? Ross Farrey has Metroidvania for you (and us) in Iron Tails:

Tails of Iron is a very satisfying 2D Metroidvania game set in a rat kingdom that has been decimated by frog-like creatures. The game is challenging, but accessible, and the combat has a deliberate tactical character, much like evil spirits – but the catch is that every enemy attack is sent by telegram. Your task is to quickly react to the correct action. Strikes, blocks and paris feature a powerful punch that gives every encounter a deep, exhilarating feel. As you explore the kingdom, smash monsters, and die a lot, the crumbling land comes back to life with changing songs, colors and sceneries. It’s nice.”

Bonfire Peaks (Switch eShop)

Bonfire Peaks (Switch eShop)

publisher: Draknik and friends / Developer: Corey Martin

Release date: September 30, 2021 (United States of America) / September 30, 2021 (UK/EU)

Beautiful 3D pixels filled with bonfire peaks make it eye-catching, but there’s a lot more behind the flames, as Raymond Benson points out:

“My pick is Bonfire Peaks. It is a challenging puzzle game about moving the boxes to the fireplace. The atmosphere of the game is very relaxing and its puzzles are endlessly clever, filled with ‘Can you do that all the time? Moments. The Otherworld is also a bigger puzzle that involves using rewards from completed puzzles to move forward.”

Ghosts Speed ​​Dating (Switch eShop)

Ghosts Speed ​​Dating (Switch eShop)

publisher: Laundry games

Release date: February 14, 2020 (United States of America)

Everyone deserves some love in their life, and Ghost Speed ​​Dating shows us that even the living dead can find love in the afterlife. McGloomy explains the magic of this game:

“Ghosts Speed ​​Dating doesn’t disappoint because it’s exactly what it says on the can, and more. I was expecting a quirky dating simulation, but to my surprise, the game also deals with the darker and sadder aspects of death and the afterlife. Its written art style, minimal use of color and subtle soundtrack create a minimalist atmosphere that allows your imagination to fill in the gaps – while the player gets to know the dating ghosts better. “

Mutazione (Switch eShop)

Mutazione (Switch eShop)

Developer: Die Got Fabric

Release date: May 26, 2021 (United States of America) / May 26, 2021 (UK/EU)

‘Exciting personal drama’ on the go? Motazione’s simple, sweet style and morphed characters hide a poignant story, as McGloomy reveals:

“Mutazione was released a year ago and it always felt a bit overlooked on Switch to me. Inspired by everything from Studio Ghibli movies to TV series, the game tells the story of a girl who visits an island populated by a friendly (mostly) mutant community. The Slice of Life narrative is built around bigger puzzles and the game’s interesting characters make it a great choice for fans of games like Night in the Woods. In the months since the release of Mutazione, there have been two fan-service updates that show how much the developers care about this game and its world.”

Somer (Switch eShop)

Somer (Switch eShop)

publisher: Sumer / Developer: Jim Tomo

Release date: May 27, 2021 (United States of America) / May 27, 2021 (UK/EU)

Sumery’s critical acclaim is attributed to more than just her stunning graphics, Pramath endorses for:

“I don’t remember the last time a game took so much emotionally – Sumire is incredible on so many levels. It’s a very sad game, but it is also very hopeful. The themes and core message resonate and are universally recognizable. The writing is remarkably clear but very powerful. All the characters are embodied and the dialogue is authentic and makes the actors feel realistic. In addition to the great art style and beautiful music, unlike many indie games of this genre, the gameplay is also great, featuring some well-researched puzzles and legitimately fun gameplay episodes.”

Undernauts: Yumi's Labyrinth (Switch)

Undernauts: Yumi's Labyrinth (Switch)

publisher: Access Games / Developer: expertise

Release date: 25 February 2022 (United States of America) / 25 February 2022 (UK/EU)

Akysys Games has a very unique library of games, Tobias Ayling’s stuff we’ve been missing is a gem in Undernauts: My Day Labyrinth:

“This game exudes character and subtle menace. Take on an old-school first-person dungeon crawler, ditch the fantasy motifs and set them in Japanese pulp horror of the 70s. Enter a subtext about capitalist exploitation of workers, some silly nods to basic Japanese games, and mix in absolutely flawless sound, graphics, and system design, all turning into a beautiful all-around villain. Finally, use the biographies of mini-characters and short talks to illustrate the depths of horror and anguish choking the world and you’ll have my day. Your job is to make it alive.”

Old School Musical (Switch eShop)

Old School Musical (Switch eShop)

publisher: Palladius

Release date: September 13, 2018 (United States of America) / September 13, 2018 (UK/EU)

Rhythm games are few and far between nowadays, but Ilya Zverev has an equally short game and also pays tribute to some of our favorite games from the ’90s at Old School Musical:

“I suggest Old School Musical. It’s short, easy to get into, and an absolute blast of rhythm game. You travel through many ’90s game homages, but you don’t play them: instead, you push buttons to the beat from the music while the characters play the game for you. You miss a button press, and you’ll be hit. The replayability is good, there is an endless chicken world, and you can try to beat the game with higher difficulty levels. “

Pico Park (Switch eShop)

Pico Park (Switch eShop)

publisher: TECOPARK

Release date: 8 June 2019 (United States of America) / 8 June 2019 (UK/EU)

tired of playing against 5+ people? Pico’s Garden lets you work with bigger teams of friends, and it’s full of cute polka-dotted cats! Ilya Zverev believes that this is the one we will like:

“Pico Park is a marvel of co-op multiplayer. It is one of the few Switch games that you can play with more than 5 players, not against each other. Instead, you collaborate to solve dozens of platform puzzles. Each of you has to do perform perfectly, which leads to a lot of failures and laughter in the process. And all the characters are cats! “

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