241 years since the discovery of the planet Uranus

by time news

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On this day, March 13, 1781, German astronomer William Herschel discovered Uranus to be the seventh planet in the solar system. , was not distinguished by ancient civilizations as a planet, although it is visible to the naked eye, due to its faintness and slow rotation in its orbit.

William Herschel announced his discovery, thus expanding the boundaries of known planets for the first time in history, as Uranus was the first planet to be discovered through a telescope, and the story of his discovery dates back to while William Herschel was studying the phenomenon of double stars one night, Herschel noticed something strange in shape and thought it was a comet Or a celestial body, so he informed many personalities interested in astronomy at the time of his observations, and these observations led to the discovery of the seventh planet in the solar system, and the third largest of its planets, the planet named after the Greek goddess Uranus.

And the discoverer of the planet Uranus is the discoverer of infrared radiation, and the developer of the theory of star formation, where the young Herschel followed the example of his father, who was working as a musician with the military band of the German city of Hanover. The son, in turn, joined this band, and William played professionally on several instruments, and began working as a musician and teacher For music, he composed 24 symphonies and many other church hymns, and began playing with the Newcastle English orchestra.

But Herschel’s interest in natural philosophy, his knowledge of various sciences, and the inquisitive mind he possessed, all pushed him to take an interest in astronomy. Gradually expanding in the scientific community, the discoverer of the planet Uanos began to study the phenomenon of double stars, the movement of planets more accurately, and the movement of the solar system as a whole in the galaxy, and the number of papers he published is about 70 papers.

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