250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party: Re-enactment and Historical Tidbits

by time news

Boston to Re-Enact Historic Tea Rebellion 250 Years Later

Boston is set to re-enact one of the most significant events in American history, the Boston Tea Party, which occurred 250 years ago. The act of rebellion, which changed the course of history, will be brought to life in a series of live, historical re-enactments and events on December 16th, 2023.

The Sons of Liberty, a group of rebellious colonial Americans, were fed up with British authority and, in particular, a tax on tea. On the night of December 16, 1773, they sneaked onto ships docked in Boston Harbor and threw 342 chests of imported Chinese tea into the water. This bold and daring act impressed future US President John Adams, who described it as an “Epocha in History.”

The 250th-anniversary re-enactment will commence at 4 p.m. at Faneuil Hall with live historical re-enactments, followed by a town crier delivering news at Downtown Crossing. At 7:30 p.m., a rolling rally featuring fife and drum corps will march towards Harborwalk, and at 8 p.m., re-enactors will throw tea off two replica ships, mirroring the events of 1773.

The event organizers have assured the public that the tea dump will be environmentally safe, as the tea itself is a biodegradable plant and all other materials will be retrieved from the harbor. Despite receiving over 2,000 donations of loose tea, the amount of tea being thrown will pale in comparison to the original 92,000 pounds thrown in 1773.

As part of the re-enactment, five different blends of tea thrown in 1773 will be available for sampling and purchase at Abigail’s Tea Room at Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. These blends include Bohea, Congou, Hyson, Singlo, and Souchong, each with its own historical significance. The museum also features the Robinson Tea Chest, the only known tea chest still in existence from the Boston Tea Party, and a vial of tea believed to be from the original event.

The re-enactment of the Boston Tea Party serves as a reminder of the historical significance of the event and its lasting impact on American history. It also provides an opportunity for the public to engage with history through live re-enactments and educational experiences.

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