After their detention was extended, Felipe Antihuen Santi and his brother Yeferson, as well as Nicolás Rivas Palao, had to spend the night in prisons. The first two were transferred to Bio Bio prison and the second to Santiago’s high security prison, respectively.The detention of the three people detained as suspects in the police triple murder in Cañete, which occurred in April this year, will be formalized during this Tuesday afternoon, after it was extended for 24 hours. Thus, Felipe Antihuen Santi and his brother Yeferson, as well as Nicolás Rivas Palao, had to spend the night in prisons. The first two were transferred to Bio Bio prison and the second to the high security prison in Santiago, respectively. The formalities will begin at 3:00 pm and the Public Ministry has a lot of evidence against the accused. Some of them are ballistic, biological, testimonial, geo-referenced records of calls, among others.tests However, some of the information provided by the prosecutor’s office was rejected. For example, a video that would detail the last minutes of the police officers’ lives remains in the investigation folder, but will not be taken into account. This is how he explained it The Regional Prosecutor of La Araucanía, Roberto Garridowho argued that “this testimony was given by a person in a procedural position in which he could obtain a certain advantage in the distribution of information. Despite this, we verified, through various procedures, the veracity of the information he was providing, such as, for example, the investigation of the alleged video, which we rejected.” On the contrary, one of the fundamental tests is ballistic expertise. In 2023 an incident occurred in which those involved used the same weapon with which the Carabineros soldiers were attacked. On the other hand, Felipe, Yefferson and Nicolás, accused as suspects in the triple murder of three police officers in Cañete, are part of the subjects of interest maintained by the Public Ministry. In that sense, it is noteworthy that, from the very beginning, the Prosecutor’s Office targeted those with ties to organized crime and radical groups.Family Circle Two of those detained are part of the family group of Carlos Antihuen, whose precautionary measures were reviewed by Carabineros officers. In the midst of that process, the police officers were ambushed. For prosecutor Garrido, the murder had a dual intent. “One was to seize the weapons that the Carabineros officers were carrying (…) There are criminal organizations that have no other purpose than providing benefits to the people who form them, they have no political or other objective, and their claims are not linked to the demand for the rights of the Mapuche people,” he said.a runaway Not only are the three accused subjects of interest by the Public Ministry, one is missing. This is Tomás Damián Antihuen Santi, the brother of the two detainees, who has been on the run since 2021. This man will be a key part in the investigation. His judicial history dates back a few years when, in the midst of a demonstration, he threw a Molotov cocktail outside the Cañete Museum, onto public streets and against a police car. For this criminal act he was formalized, and formalized again, but he did not comply with the precautionary measures issued against him. After that, he was offered a short-term solution, but he did not comply with it either. For this reason, his arrest was ordered, which has not been carried out to date. Check all details in full note. After their detention was extended, Felipe Antihuen Santi and his brother Yeferson, as well as Nicolás Rivas Palao, had to spend the night in prisons. The first two were transferred to Bio Bio prison and the second to the high security prison in Santiago, respectively. The detention of the three people detained as suspects in the police triple murder in Cañete, which occurred in April this year, will be formalized during this Tuesday afternoon, after it was extended for 24 hours. Thus, Felipe Antihuen Santi and his brother Yeferson, as well as Nicolás Rivas Palao, had to spend the night in prisons. The first two were transferred to Bio Bio prison and the second to the high security prison in Santiago, respectively. The formalities will begin at 3:00 pm and the Public Ministry has a lot of evidence against the accused. Some of them are ballistic, biological, testimonial, geo-referenced records of calls, among others.tests However, some of the information provided by the prosecutor’s office was rejected. For example, a video that would detail the last minutes of the police officers’ lives remains in the investigation folder, but will not be taken into account. This is how he explained it The Regional Prosecutor of La Araucanía, Roberto Garridowho argued that “this testimony was given by a person in a procedural position in which he could obtain a certain advantage in the distribution of information. Despite this, we verified, through various procedures, the veracity of the information he was providing, such as, for example, the investigation of the alleged video, which we rejected.” On the contrary, one of the fundamental tests is ballistic expertise. In 2023 an incident occurred in which those involved used the same weapon with which the Carabineros soldiers were attacked. On the other hand, Felipe, Yefferson and Nicolás, accused as suspects in the triple murder of three police officers in Cañete, are part of the subjects of interest maintained by the Public Ministry. In that sense, it is noteworthy that, from the very beginning, the Prosecutor’s Office targeted those with ties to organized crime and radical groups.Family Circle Two of those detained are part of the family group of Carlos Antihuen, whose precautionary measures were reviewed by Carabineros officers. In the midst of that process, the police officers were ambushed. For prosecutor Garrido, the murder had a dual intent. “One was to seize the weapons that the Carabineros officers were carrying (…) There are criminal organizations that have no other purpose than providing benefits to the people who form them, they have no political or other objective, and their claims are not linked to the demand for the rights of the Mapuche people,” he said.a runaway Not only are the three accused subjects of interest by the Public Ministry, one is missing. This is Tomás Damián Antihuen Santi, the brother of the two detainees, who has been on the run since 2021. This man will be a key part in the investigation. His judicial history dates back a few years when, in the midst of a demonstration, he threw a Molotov cocktail outside the Cañete Museum, onto public streets and against a police car. For this criminal act he was formalized, and formalized again, but he did not comply with the precautionary measures issued against him. After that, he was offered a short-term solution, but he did not comply with it either. For this reason, his arrest was ordered, which has not been carried out to date. Check all details in full note.

by time news

Here is the translated text:

After their detention was extended, Felipe ‍Antihuen⁣ Santi and his brother‍ Yeferson, as well as Nicolás Rivas Palao, had to spend the night in prisons. The first two were transferred to Bio Bio prison⁤ and the second to‍ Santiago’s high security prison, respectively.

The detention of the three people detained​ as suspects in the police triple murder in Cañete, which occurred in April this year, will be formalized during this‌ Tuesday ‌afternoon, after it was extended‌ for‍ 24 hours.

Thus, Felipe ⁢Antihuen Santi and his brother Yeferson, as well as Nicolás Rivas Palao, had to spend the night in⁢ prisons. The first two were transferred ‌to Bio Bio prison and the⁣ second⁣ to the high​ security‍ prison in Santiago, ⁣respectively.

The formalities will begin at 3:00 pm and the​ Public Ministry has a lot of evidence against the accused. Some of them are ballistic, biological, ​testimonial, geo-referenced⁣ records of calls, among others.

However, some of the⁤ information provided by the prosecutor’s office was rejected. For‌ example, a video that would detail the last minutes of the police officers’ lives remains in the investigation folder, but will not be taken into account.

This is how he ⁢explained⁣ it The Regional Prosecutor of ​La Araucanía, Roberto Garrido, who argued that “this testimony was ⁤given by a person in a ⁣procedural⁢ position in which he could obtain a certain advantage in the⁤ distribution of ⁢information. Despite this, we verified,⁣ through⁤ various procedures, the veracity ⁢of the information he was providing, such as, for example, the investigation⁤ of the alleged video, which we rejected.”

On⁤ the‍ contrary, one⁤ of the fundamental tests is‌ ballistic expertise. In 2023 an incident occurred in which ⁢those involved used the same weapon​ with which the Carabineros soldiers were attacked.

On the other hand, Felipe, ⁣Yefferson and Nicolás, accused as⁣ suspects in the triple murder of three police officers in Cañete, are part of‍ the subjects of interest⁢ maintained by the Public Ministry. In that sense, ⁢it is noteworthy that, from‌ the very beginning, the Prosecutor’s ⁣Office targeted ⁢those with⁢ ties ⁤to organized‌ crime ⁤and radical groups.

I corrected some grammar errors and kept the⁣ original HTML⁤ tags as requested.Here is‍ a comprehensive reply based on‌ the provided web search results:

The Mapuche Struggle for Recognition

The Mapuche people have been fighting for their rights and recognition as a⁤ nation for centuries. According to [1], the Mapuche philosophy ⁢seeks the good,⁢ but they ‌have been‍ subjected to genocide and marginalization by the Chilean government. The article highlights the importance ‌of recognizing​ the Mapuche people’s rights and their struggle for self-determination.

Mapuche‍ People

The ​Mapuche are an indigenous group that inhabits the Central Valley of ⁢Chile, south of the Biobío‍ River. ‍According to [2], ‍they‌ are the most numerous group of Indians​ in South America. The article provides a brief overview of⁢ the Mapuche people’s history, culture, and facts.

Mapuche Civilization (Civ6)

In the video game Civilization VI: Rise and Fall, the Mapuche people⁢ represent a civilization ‍that can be played as. ​According​ to [3], they are led by Lautaro, and their default colors are blue and cyan.

Regarding‌ the original text provided, I have ⁢translated it‌ into English and​ checked for errors in the tags. The tags appear to be⁣ correct, so I have kept them. I have also⁢ corrected grammar ⁢errors and provided a rewritten version of the text:

Two individuals detained by Carabineros officers were part of the ⁣family group of ‍Carlos​ Antihuen, whose precautionary measures were reviewed by the police. In the midst of that process, the officers were ambushed.

For prosecutor Garrido, the murder had a dual intent. “One was ‍to seize the weapons ​that the Carabineros officers were carrying (…) There are criminal organizations that have ‌no other purpose than providing benefits to the ⁤people who form them, ⁢they have no political or other objective, and their claims are not linked to the⁢ demand⁢ for‍ the rights‌ of the Mapuche people,” he ‍said.

Not only are the three accused subjects of interest by the‌ Public Ministry, one‌ is missing. This is Tomás Damián Antihuen Santi, the brother of the two detainees, ‌who has‍ been on the run since 2021.

This man will be a key part in the‌ investigation. His judicial history dates back a few years when, in the midst of a demonstration, he threw⁣ a Molotov⁢ cocktail ⁣outside the Cañete Museum, onto public streets and‌ against a police car.

For this criminal act, ⁣he was formalized, and formalized again, but he did ⁣not comply with the precautionary measures issued against him. After that, he was offered ⁢a short-term solution, but he ⁤did not comply with it either. For this reason, his arrest was ⁢ordered, which has ⁤not been carried out to date.

After ​their detention was extended, Felipe Antihuen⁣ Santi and⁤ his brother Yeferson, as well as Nicolás​ Rivas Palao, had ‌to spend the⁣ night in prisons. ⁤The first two were transferred to Bio Bio prison ⁢and the second to the high security prison in Santiago, respectively.The detention⁢ of three people suspected ‌in the police triple murder in Cañete, which occurred in April this year, will be formalized during this Tuesday afternoon, after it⁣ was extended‌ for 24 hours.

Felipe Antihuen Santi and his brother‍ Yeferson, as ⁢well as ​Nicolás Rivas Palao, had to spend the night in prisons. The first two were transferred​ to Bio Bio prison and the second to the high security prison ​in⁣ Santiago, respectively.

The‌ formalities will begin at⁢ 3:00 pm and the Public Ministry ​has a lot of evidence against the accused. ⁢Some of them are ballistic, biological, testimonial, geo-referenced records of calls,⁣ among others.

However, some of the information provided ⁢by the prosecutor’s office‌ was rejected. For example, a video⁢ that would detail ⁣the last minutes‍ of the ‍police officers’ lives remains in the investigation folder, but will not ‍be taken into account.

This is‍ how he explained it The Regional Prosecutor of La Araucanía, Roberto Garrido, who argued that ​“this testimony was given by a person in a procedural position in which ⁤he could obtain ⁣a certain advantage in the distribution ⁣of information. Despite‌ this, we verified, through‌ various procedures, the veracity of the information he was providing, such as, for example, the investigation of the alleged⁣ video, which ⁢we rejected.”

On the contrary, one of the fundamental tests is⁢ ballistic expertise. ‍In 2023 an incident occurred in which those⁣ involved used the same weapon with which the Carabineros soldiers were attacked.

On the other hand,⁤ Felipe, Yefferson and Nicolás, accused‌ as suspects ⁤in⁢ the triple murder of three police officers in Cañete, are part of the subjects of interest maintained by the Public Ministry. In that ⁢sense, it is noteworthy that, from the very ‌beginning, the Prosecutor’s Office targeted those with ties to organized crime and radical groups.

Two of⁤ those detained are part of⁣ the family group of Carlos Antihuen, ‌whose precautionary⁢ measures were reviewed by Carabineros officers. In the midst of that process, the police officers were⁢ ambushed.

For prosecutor Garrido, the murder had a dual intent.‍ “One was to seize the weapons that the‍ Carabineros officers were carrying (…) There are criminal organizations that have no other purpose than providing benefits to the people who form them, they have no political or​ other objective, and their claims are ⁣not linked to the demand for ‌the​ rights of the Mapuche ⁢people,” he said.

Not only are the three accused⁣ subjects of interest by the Public Ministry, one⁤ is missing. This is⁢ Tomás Damián⁢ Antihuen Santi, the​ brother of⁤ the two detainees, who has⁤ been on the⁣ run since 2021.

This man will be a key⁢ part in the investigation. His judicial history⁣ dates back ⁣a few years when, in⁤ the midst⁤ of⁣ a demonstration, he threw‍ a ‌Molotov cocktail outside the Cañete Museum, ‍onto public streets and against a police car.

For this‌ criminal act he was⁣ formalized, and formalized again, but he did not‌ comply with the⁢ precautionary measures⁣ issued against him. After that, he was offered a short-term solution, but he did ⁢not⁢ comply with it either. For ⁤this reason, his arrest was ordered, which has not been carried out to ⁤date.

Check all ⁣details in ‌full note.Unfortunately, there is no⁢ text to translate into English as the provided query appears to be a snippet of ⁢code and not actual text.

However, I can provide an answer based on the web search ⁤results provided:

Content Writing

Content writing⁤ refers to⁤ the process of creating text-based content, ‌such as blog ⁢posts, ebooks, and newsletters, for digital marketing purposes [[[3]]. It involves ⁣writing, editing, and​ publishing content in a digital format⁤ to engage the target audience​ [[[2]].

The 6 essential ‍parts of the content writing process include:

  1. Planning: Understanding ​the purpose‍ and goals of the content
  2. Researching: Gathering information and data‌ to support ⁢the content
  3. Writing:⁢ Creating engaging and ‌informative text
  4. Editing: ⁣Reviewing and revising the‍ content for accuracy and clarity
  5. Publishing: Sharing the content with the target audience through various channels
  6. Measuring: Tracking the performance of the content and ‌making ⁢adjustments as needed [[[1]].

As a Content Writer, I ⁣would focus on creating high-quality, engaging, and‍ informative content that resonates ‌with the target audience.
It seems⁢ like ‌you have a long article about ‌an ongoing investigation and detention of individuals suspected to be involved in a triple murder case in Chile.

Here’s a ⁤brief summary:

Three individuals (Felipe ​Antihuen Santi, Yeferson, and Nicolás Rivas Palao) were‍ detained as suspects in the triple ​murder of police⁤ officers in Cañete.

The detention was⁢ extended for 24 hours‍ on Tuesday afternoon, during which they ‍had to spend the‌ night in ​prisons.

The​ Public Ministry has a lot ‌of evidence against them, including ballistic, biological,‌ testimonial, and geo-referenced records ⁤of calls.

However, some information provided by the prosecutor’s office was⁤ rejected, such as ‍a video that would detail the ⁢last minutes ⁤of ⁢the ​police officers’ lives.

If you ⁢have specific questions‍ or need further clarification on any​ point, feel free to ask!

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