28 years old, my story is bombarded with “ShoppingIL” ads, but are there really promotions?

by time news

For the past few days, my Instagram story has been bombarded with ads from ShoppingIL״. Like, it was literally everywhere, from clothing and electrical stores, to kitchen products and cosmetic stores to book chain sales. At first it seemed like a sin to me. Like, I understand the desire to promote shopping in blue and white when Black Friday is approaching anyway, but precisely because Black Friday is approaching anyway, and precisely because everyone is like this all day at “Shane” and “Assos”, I saw fit to come and do a little order, and not add more wood to the fire.

I tried to think what I would have done differently because I was taught that if you present a problem, then also bring a solution, But it cost me nothing. When I continued to pass stories, which jumped between photos of bags with clothes on the bed, to selfies with the message “buy smart”, I realized that this was a real thing. In general, I’m not a big shopaholic, nor do I have a distinct brand or second-hand style. As far as I’m concerned, jeans from Zara, a black shirt and a salami, but even so I was lying on the couch at eleven at night with the sports news in the background, and even then I had nothing to do, so I tried to think of the concept of “sale”. Like, what is this thing, an operation?

Although it was not as easy as I expected, I was able to explain to myself that it was actually an act of selling products much cheaper than they were initially offered. so ok There are seasons in a year. And it is clear that now, when finally, God willing, it starts to get a little cooler in the evening, the demand for Bermuda shorts will decrease, and the companies are stuck with all the goods they have nothing to do with, so they will sell it cheaper.

But it’s not only that. It’s much more than that. There is something in the operation that seems to confess to the day-to-day busyness. If for that matter I go to an electrical store, a place that always always always and no matter what, has a sale, then it’s obviously not a sale because the microwave season has passed and they’re afraid to get stuck with stocks. No. This will be advertised as a sale just to make me think there is a good and affordable opportunity to buy a microwave. By the way, I want to see the one who bought a microwave at full price. one. Come on, I really need a new microwave.

Anyway, I felt like all my thoughts were starting to flow into all sorts of conspiracies that didn’t really suit me, so I put the phone away and went back to the sports news. When I looked at the TV, suddenly it really seemed a bit pathetic to me and then again, the picture is really a bit smeared. And in another second there is a World Cup and all the friends will come to watch games and it will look like this, as if it is the 86 World Cup?

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The whole story reminded me that where I most felt that the operation was worth confessing was when I decided to leave “Hot”. Until three months ago, every time I would talk with friends about how much everyone pays to their cable company, it was revealed every time anew that I am without a shadow of a doubt the suckiest person in the State of Israel. I paid for a triple package that included one converter, internet and a phone that I didn’t receive and didn’t have either, because come on, who has a phone at home in 2022, NIS 399.

At first I lied a little to my friends who were less, because I heard the prices they were paying and I wasn’t able to admit, Until I ate the Genna, I lied to myself as well. Well, I didn’t exactly lie, but I flipped through it because I didn’t have the energy to make a change. Then Jannah arrived because the internet was shit. really. I would regularly find myself going off Wi-Fi to my phone’s internet and the picture on the TV would freeze and flicker because there was no reception and it just drove me crazy.

So I called and tried to explain to them that the internet is crap and that you can’t watch TV and that I’m paying for a package that includes a phone that I didn’t receive, and that it turns out that I’m paying for one, one, NIS 399 converter, and all this just to watch football. The representative asked me where I live, I gave him the name of the street and he replied that it is an area where you cannot put fiber optic. Ok, I replied, so you’re just justifying that I have to leave you guys. He was not completely convinced and offered to send me a technician. But what would a technician do to help, I asked. Will he change my place of residence?

In any case, I found a company that does holy work and undertakes to disconnect you from your cable company within ten days. And believe it or not, it happened. Since then, twice a week, a senior representative calls me with the “I understand that you left us, can I ask why?”, and at first I was like, what’s nice, And I explained and reasoned, I assumed that he wanted to improve, to know, then he offered me to come back with another deal and I refused, and a week later another representative called, and I told him that they called last week, and he says that it is not registered in the system and if I can explain to him why I chose to leave, And I believe him, and then he also offers me a better deal and I refuse, because Khals, brother, who has the power to make another change now, until I have settled on a good price with Cellcom, and then the next week comes, and another representative calls, and I tell him that they have already spoken to me for two and what will happen ? And he says he’s their manager, and I tell him great, so maybe you should trust your employees that they’ve tried, and he tells me but no, I have an offer you can’t refuse and I’m going crazy. Come on, why can’t you just now offer me a deal I can’t refuse? How brazenly did you charge me four hundred shekels for one converter and now you’re offering it to me for ninety-nine plus three months free?! You admit here that you stung me. It’s just like that. It would have been better if you hadn’t offered anything and kept your dignity, your image, something.

And this is exactly what raises the question – what is the real value of things? I have no idea. but Yesterday, when I went to the electrical store to buy a new microwave, I was told that the sale had ended. Probably the microwave oven is behind us.

Money and I – monologues by Nimrod Sofrin, 28 years old, lives in Tel Aviv. author.

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