280 national health promoters are trained in educommunicational methodologies – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-05-19 17:46:06

Quito, May 19, 2023

With the participation of officials from Zonal Coordinations 1 and 9 of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), the National Workshop on Educommunicational Methodologies for Health Promotion began. The purpose of the training is to enhance the technical capacities, abilities, skills and aptitudes of health promoters at a national level. The talks take place at the Julio Endara Specialized Hospital in Quito.

Mariela Illapa, deputy National Director of Health Promotion, indicated that four face-to-face workshops are planned as part of the planning. “In Riobamba it was the first; Today we start in Quito, we go to Guayaquil and we will finish in Cuenca”, she expressed. She reported that these spaces have the participation of health promotion personnel from the 9 Zonal Coordinations, 140 Districts, and 140 first-level health care establishments.

The talks are facilitated by the team of professionals from the School of Health Promotion, belonging to the Faculty of Public Health of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), which is a pioneer and the only one in the country in training third-level professionals. in Health Promotion. For this purpose, says Ángel Parreño, from the educational institution, methods, techniques and tools will be used for education and communication for health promotion.

Andrea Bersosa, Undersecretary of Promotion, Intercultural Health and Equality of the MSP, referred to the Manual of Education and Communication for Health Promotion. “It is a tool aimed at strengthening the work of health personnel, being an ordered and systematized set of methods, techniques and tools to promote the participation and empowerment of individuals, families, communities and civil society, with the aim of influencing on social, environmental, economic and political determinants of health,” said the health authority.

One of the priorities of the MSP is to strengthen the work of the health promotion teams at the level of zonal and district coordination and health establishments, in the field of education and communication for health promotion, within the Care Model. Comprehensive Family, Community and Intercultural Health (MAIS-FCI).

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