28S: Threats to abortion in Colombia

by time news

2023-09-28 17:12:50

In Colombia, abortion was decriminalized on three grounds since 2006, and completely up to 24 weeks since 2022, after an important victory in the women’s struggle, organized in the Just Cause movement. But the mere existence of this regulation is insufficient to guarantee the right.

As happens in the rest of the world, abortion and other health services are constantly threatened by the definancing and privatization of the health system, medical services and especially those related to pediatric and gynecological care in Colombia are precarious in practically the entire national territory, and have suffered a process of clearing in the capital cities.

Without a doubt, ruling C 055 of 2022 is a historic advance and has allowed access to abortion for thousands of women, as well as historical reparation for many prosecuted women and professional providers, but the reality is that this access is still limited for many women and girls, especially from rural contexts, indigenous women and those with affiliation problems. In part, it is due to the fact that misinformation and lack of understanding of the court’s decision still persists among women and girls, as well as health personnel; The misuse of conscientious objection and deterrent practices persists. These situations take the form of innumerable barriers, delays and even care crossed by Obstetric Violence.

We even know of cases where the procedure has been delayed for up to 6 weeks, even though the standard says that the maximum wait is 5 days. We also know that indigenous women continue to be forced to ask for “permission” from the authorities of their council, and that even the Constitutional Court protects this procedure in the right to autonomy of indigenous peoples, which they put before the autonomy of women.

But the only obstacle is not implementation. As we had warned, the conquest of this right produced the reaction and counteroffensive of anti-rights groups (churches, right-wing parties, etc.). There have been multiple initiatives presented in Congress in the last year, attempting to curtail the rights achieved, not only the right to abortion but in general everything related to reproductive autonomy. It was not in vain that a few months ago we stated that this is a Congress that legislates against women. NOT only was the entire section on sexual and reproductive rights removed from the National Development Plan, but legislative projects such as 02 and 06 of 2023 are permanently presented, which seek to change the constitution to protect “life” from conception to natural death (also affecting the right to die with dignity), or that which seeks to regulate the adoption of fetuses and embryos.

They have also been collecting signatures for two referendums. One is the self-proclaimed pro-life Referendum, promoted by the Conservative Party, Colombia Justa Libres and the Democratic Center, currently archived. And the second, called “Referendum for life” by the Christian spokesperson Sara Castellanos for the International Charismatic Mission, currently undergoing technical verification of signatures

These initiatives are an attempt to use mechanisms designed to “expand democracy” to cause a setback in democratic matters. Both anti-abortion referendum projects collected signatures by misleading people with false scientific studies, or by resorting to sensitivity and misinformation. It has been reported that they have used minors for this purpose, and also that they have refused to present their financial statements to the registry office. One of these referendums has already been archived for not obtaining the number of signatures, and the other may not obtain it either because despite their efforts to deceive, in Colombia the view on abortion has changed little by little, more than half of Colombians consider that abortion should not be a crime, and 70% consider that the decision corresponds solely to the woman or pregnant person.

Although none of these initiatives have succeeded so far, there is constant pressure to tear down women’s rights, and to maintain their status as instruments of reproduction. That is why it is essential to maintain constant mobilization and struggle, to avoid a setback as has already happened in the United States.

The unity of the working class and the oppressed sectors is necessary to guarantee or protect democratic rights, but also for a true health reform that ends the EPS, returns money to the control of the State, and allows the conditions for access not only to abortion but to health throughout the country and not only in the capitals.

Women’s Commission, Socialist Workers Party

#28S #Threats #abortion #Colombia

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