28th edition of Fespaco: Uemoa awards 04 special prizes to directors

by time news

Started on February 25, the 28th edition of the Ouagadougou Pan-African Film and Television Festival (Fespaco) ended on March 04, 2023. For this meeting to promote African cinema, several cinematographic works were rewarded.

One of the largest African film festivals, whose objective is to “contribute to the growth, development and preservation of African cinema, as a means of expression, education and awareness”, the Festival Pan-African Cinema and Television of Ouagadougou (FESPACO), now has in its annals, the 28th edition. Unfolding around the theme “African Cinema and Culture of Peace”, this biennial meeting held in a security context marked by terrorism, aims, through productions oriented on the consequences of radicalism, to transform the collective imagination “in order to heal the wounds together” and to revive an era of peace.

With a total of 1,200 films viewed and 170 selected according to the artistic quality and the relevance of the theme, the 28th edition of FESPACO was an opportunity for the UEMOA Commission, in the presence of several Ministers of Culture of the Member States, and members of Organes, to reward several cinematographic works. Four Special Prizes were awarded to the best works in the community space.

This is an amount of eight million (8,000,000) FCFA awarded to “Xalé, The Wounds of Childhood”, a feature film by Senegalese director Moussa Séné ABSA; an amount of eight million (8,000,000) FCFA awarded to the Burkinabe director Chloé Aïcha Boro for her documentary feature film “Al Djanat / Original Paradise”; in the amount of five million (5,000,000) FCFA won by “L’envoyée de Dieu”, a short fiction film by the Nigerien director Amina A. Mamani and in the amount of five million (5,000,000) FCFA won by the Malian Mohamed Dayfour Diawara for his short documentary film “Les Cavaliers de Tonka”.
Speaking on the occasion of the award ceremony, President Abdoulaye Diop did not fail to salute “the courageous decision” taken by the Burkinabè State to organize this 28th edition despite the security context.

By doing so, the “Land of Integrity” is proving that no challenge, no matter how great, can challenge our commitment to unite around our values ​​and our cultural resources”, will say- he. Continuing his remarks, President DIOP nevertheless deplored the fact that “among the films in competition for the Etalon de Yennenga, the most prestigious prize, there are only 2 works from the Union! This single example should appeal to all of us: film professionals, cultural administrators, rulers, technical and financial partners, film critics and lovers of the big screen”. “Together, let’s take initiatives to support, as appropriate, directors and producers so that they keep the flame burning of their talented precursors, Oumarou Ganda and Sembène Ousmane, whom the organizers of this edition have done well to celebrate. “, he urged.
As a reminder, the UEMOA Special Prizes are open to cinematographic works produced by nationals of the eight Member States. These works must be part of the official FESPACO selection, in or out of competition. The Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (Fespaco) is a biennial that has been held since 1972. It involves two official prizes: the Yennenga Gold Stallion, which rewards feature films and documentaries, and the Poulain Gold of Yennenga for short films. There are also special prizes, awarded to productions in other categories. It should be noted that the Beninese Kissmath Baguiri, promoter of the “Ciné 229 Awards” received the Celebrities Days trophy, a trophy of merit.


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