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GREETINGS OF THE MOTHER – Today, Friday, March 29, the sequence of the Second Salutations will take place in the Holy Temples of the whole country.

The Akathistos Hymn (Greetings) is a long and great poem, written in the 6th century AD, that speaks to the Virgin Mary and offers her praises, thanksgivings and prayers.

The poet of the Salutations is probably Saint Romanos Melodos, one of the greatest Greek-language poets of all time. The poem is set to music, it has music and belongs to the genre of Byzantine classical music called “kontakio”. It has 24 stanzas “houses”, which start, in order, from the 24 letters of the alphabet.

Very beautiful Salutations have been written for many other saints as well, but the Salutations of the Virgin Mary are the main inspiration for all the others that have been written since.

In the 7th century, when the people of Constantinople were saved from the attack of the Avars after the intervention of the Virgin Mary, everyone sang the Akathistos Hymn in Hagia Sophia standing up, hence its name. Then, probably, the well-known initial trope “The Mighty Stratego” was written.

The Orthodox Church sings the Greetings every Friday night, during the first 5 weeks of Great Lent.

Today’s Second Greetings

It is truly worthy, bless the Theotokos, the bloodless and blameless, and Mother of our God. The most honorable of the Cherubim, and the incomparably gentler of the Seraphim, the incorruptible, the Word of God they worshiped, the truly Theotokos we magnified.

Taking the commandment secretly with knowledge, in Joseph’s tent, Asoma drew his study, saying to Apirogamous: the bed that descends from the heavens is contained without change all in you. Even though they see in your womb receiving the form of a slave, I resist crying out to you, Hail, Nymph, give birth!

Second Greetings of the Virgin


They heard the shepherds of the angels praising the incarnate presence of Christ; and acting as a shepherd, considering him as an immaculate lamb fed in Mary’s womb, praising her they said;

Rejoice, lamb and shepherd mother; Rejoice, fold of sensible sheep;

Hail, defender of invisible enemies; Hail, opener of the gates of heaven;

Rejoice ͵ that the heavenly ones sing the earth; rejoice ͵ that the earthly ones join the heavens;

Hail the speechless mouth of the apostles; Hail the invincible courage of the athletes;

Hail, firmament of faith; Hail, splendor of grace;

Hail, through her Hades was stripped; Hail, through her we were glorified;

Hail, nymph, bloom.

The magicians, considering it a star, followed it with glory; and holding it as a lamp, through it they conquered the kingdom unrecovered; and having reached the unattainable, they rejoiced in it, Alleluia.

Idon Chaldean children in the hand of the Virgin, who formed the people in their hands; and understanding the Despot, who also took the form of a servant, hastened the gifts to heal and help the blessed one;

Hail, unseen mother star; Hail, dawn of secret day;

Hail, I extinguished the furnace of fraud; Hail, the Triad, enlightening the mysteries;

Hail, tyrant, inhuman, executor of the principle; Hail, Lord, philanthropist, I have shown Christ;

Hail to the barbarian redeemed religion; Hail to the barbarian ryomene of works;

hail ͵ fire of worship ceased; hail ͵ flame of passions reliever;

Rejoice, faithful guides of wisdom; Rejoice, wisdom of all generations;

Hail, nymph, bloom.

You preach god-bearing events, the magicians returned to Babylon ͵ executors of your oracle and preachers of Christ apasin ͵ masters Herod as a muddled seer sing; Alleluia.

You shone in Egypt the light of truth, you chased away the darkness of falsehood; for the idols of this Savior, do not give you power, they have fallen;

Hail, resurrection of men; Hail, fall of demons;

Hail, I have trodden down the error of fraud; Hail, I have checked the deceit of idols;

Hail, sea, I watered Pharaoh the wise; Hail, stone, I watered those thirsting for life;

Hail, pillar of fire to guide them in the dark; Hail, cloud-wide canopy of the world;

Hail, food of manna successor; Hail, minister of tender holiness;

Hail, the land of promise; Hail, honey and milk flow from it;

Hail, nymph, bloom.

Future Simeon of the present age, you will rise up as a deceiver ͵ you were betrayed as a baby ͵ but you are also known as a perfect God; because of your inexpressible wisdom, I was amazed; Hallelujah.

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