3-12-30 Method: Viral Weight Loss Workout How Does It Work?

by time news

2023-05-02 16:25:38

There are thousands of methods to lose weight. Now we have a new one that went viral on TikTok. Have you already tried it?

3-12-30 Method: Viral Weight Loss Workout How Does It Work?

Last update: 02 mayo, 2023

TikTok is an inexhaustible source of viral challenges and challenges for the curious The new fitness trend for those who aren’t much of a gym fan is the 12-3-30 method of losing weight. Multiple videos can be found on the social network with the hashtag #12330workout.

Per se, it is about using a treadmill that has the option of varying the inclination. The numbers in this proposal explain how to set up the routine:

  • 12% treadmill inclination. If you have a device that does not achieve that capacity, you must take it to the maximum inclination available.
  • 3 miles per hour walking speed. When converted, it would be 4.8 km/hour.
  • 30 minutes up to date.

Everyone’s question is whether this 12-3-30 method works to lose weight. What does science say?

The 12-3-30 method is based on walking

The treadmills are a tool for gyms and homes to promote an exercise that has proven benefits: walking. As simple as that.

We have known for decades that walking regularly improves certain parameters:

  • Reduces body weight.
  • Enhances bone density.
  • Increases cardiovascular capacity.
  • Balances lipids circulating in the blood.
  • Increases the response to insulin and reduces the lack of sensitivity to this hormone.

Psychological studies also show that walks are good for our mental health. In any case, it is clarified that the best environment to carry them out are natural spaces, in contact with the greenery and with the purified air offered by the vegetation. The same effects are not recorded when people walk in the middle of cities or within the home.

Beyond this clarification, it is evident that it will always be better to walk than not to do it. So the tapes for homes could be useful for those who do not have accessibility to parks or who have a very busy schedule.

Weight loss experts know that the most difficult thing, perhaps, is perseverance. Many start walking, but then give up the habit, either with ribbons or in nature. For this, follow-up plans have been designed that remind and stimulate the activity.

If you do not have access to a government or training plan of this type, you will have to change a few things to promote your routine. The 3-12-30 method will work if you repeat it daily, not sporadically.

Treadmills are an option for people who do not have access to green spaces.

walking with incline

Changing the incline of the treadmill is a simple thing that affects metabolism. The same happens if you change your exits to the outside from the flat to the slope or take advantage of the stairs.

According to scientific studies, when the incline reaches 7%, the metabolic cost increases by more than 50%. This means that, as there is a greater difference in level to walk, the body consumes more calories and activates other internal pathways to obtain energy.

If we translate it into weight loss, we would say that the inclination is essential to accelerate caloric burning. That is why it is possible that the 12-3-30 method contains a real possibility of accelerating weight loss.

Anyway, you have to understand that not everyone can start with a 12% incline on their treadmill. It is more viable to do it progressively, testing with lower percentages, until reaching this maximum point.

As the unevenness grows, the leg muscles are activated differently. The scientists found that a 7.5% incline on the treadmill strengthens the lower limbs of young people and older adults.

How long is the ideal?

The viral method 3-12-30 proposes half an hour of walking daily. It’s enough?

As the Mayo Clinic comments, public health organizations agree on recommend 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week. This would involve walking for 30 minutes, say, 5 days a week.

Here also appears the topic of 10,000 steps a day. Should they be done in 30 minutes? Would that figure help us lose weight easily?

Recent research established that walking more than 10,000 steps a day is associated with:

  • Lower risk of death from any cause.
  • Reduced incidence of cancer.
  • Lower cardiovascular mortality.

If we combine the 30 minutes of treadmill with other daily walks, such as walking pets or commuting to the workplace on foot, it is possible that we could reach 10,000 steps per day. And although it is not good to obsess over counting, yes, it is optimal to concentrate on having an active life. For this, walking more than half an hour a day is a start.

If you can combine the tape with trips abroad, you will enhance the effects.

The 12-3-30 method helps you if you don’t think it’s magic

TikTok virals always raise doubts. Many times we are before challenges that put health at risk and are not recommended.

However, the 3-12-30 method can be applied with confidence. Yes indeed, considering the precaution of evolving in progressionwithout forcing yourself too much.

Who should take more precautions? Beginners, who come from a sedentary life of years. It’s okay to set a goal to lose weight, but we shouldn’t hurt ourselves in the process. Similarly, people with knee and ankle joint problems should take it easy.

Don’t think it’s a magic formula. That does not exist. The 3-12-30 method will help you lose weight if you follow a consistent diet, you control your risk factors and you are constant. It is one more option, although not the only one.

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