+3.5%! How much will civil servants (really) earn?

by time news

INDEX POINT INCREASE 2022. The unfreezing of the index point for civil servants comes into force in August with retroactive effect to July 1. For what gain? We take stock.

[Mis à jour le 11 juillet 2022 à 08h07] Used to calculate the remuneration of civil servants, the civil service index point had never been revalued since 2017 ! This year, it is an unprecedented increase to decide to operate the government, +3,5% starting July 1, 2022! This increase will only really be visible on the payslip for the month of August, with retroactive effect from July 1. But then, what does the largest increase in the index point for civil servants in 37 years on their salary really represent? How much can you really expect to earn? For example, one or town clerk with 15 years of experience can hope to pocket 57,30 euros extra every month. For a policeman with the same seniority, the gain per month should be around the 68,50 euros. A midwife in mid-career can hope to pocket 110,80 euros more each month. Finally, for a nurse anesthetist with 8 years of experience, the index point thaw should pay off 91,10 euros more every month. Not negligible, especially in these times of galloping inflation (5.8% in June 2022 over one year).

All civil servants are concerned by the unfreezing of the index point up to 3.5%, civil servants and contract employees. The public service ofEtat, hospital et territorial will benefit from it. A historic increase therefore, but not necessarily to the taste of the opposition. Jean-Luc Melenchon (Nupes) demanded a net increase of 10%. Same thing for the CGT. This thawing of the index point remains, despite everything, a costly maneuver which could amount to 7.5 billion euros for the state. The government has also taken into account the poor health enjoyed by the teaching profession for several years. Indeed, the profession attracts less and less, in particular because of the remuneration, all the more so among school teachers at the start of their career. In mathematics and German, the Capes eligibility results revealed significant deficiencies. These two subjects are not full, the number of vacancies remains higher than the number of eligible candidates.

The amount of the civil service index point has been completely frozen since 2017. Indeed, for more than 5 years, no general increase in the remuneration of public officials has taken place. Only a few categorical increases have been implemented by Emmanuel Macron since his election as President of the Republic in 2017. For the time being, the value of this index point is 4,68 euros. In other words, an annual treatment value of 5 623,23 euros. If approved by Parliament, the index point could reach 4,85 euros.

The minimum salary (increased index 352) should rise from 1,649.48 euros to 1 707,21 euros per month. In other words, 20 486,54 euros per year.

The increase in the index point for civil servants by 3.5% has been in effect since Tuesday, June 28, announced by the Minister of Transformation and the Civil Service, Stanislas Guerini during a social conference. The thaw of the index point, which serves as a basis in the calculation of public officials will be part of the purchasing power bill. As since its introduction, the index point must take inflation into account to allow the salaries of civil servants to follow the evolution of the rise in consumer prices (5.8% inflation in June 2022 on a year).

Problem, this clue point was frozen between 2010 et 2017. A thaw took place under François Hollande, the index point then increased by 0,6% on July 1, 2016 and 0,6% again on February 1, 2017. July 2022 therefore marks the first salary increase for civil servants in five years. On the side of the unions of civil servants, the increase claimed was of the order of 10%, in particular on the side of the CGT. On the one hand, to compensate for the harmful effects of inflation, but also to compensate for the losses of the civil servants related to the freezing of the point in 2010. It will not have been heard.

The revaluation of the index point, and therefore the increase in their salary is not the only measure recently announced concerning them. First of all, the prime Gipa (individual purchasing power guarantee) is renewed in 2022. If the evolution of your indexed gross salary is lower, over four years, than that of the consumer price index, the Gipa bonus intervenes and is paid completely automatically with your treatment. Then the officers of category B at the start of their career should benefit from a extra help in terms of salary. Also, the eligibility conditions for the forfait sustainable mobility will be more flexible in the public service. Finally, the State’s participation in financing the restauration collective is revised upwards! She climbs from 7% in 2022.

The value of the index point amounts to 4.68602 euros since February 1, 2017 for an annual salary value of 5 623,23 euros. It should be noted that this figure has been constantly rising since March 1, 1995 and could even rise to 4,85 euros in the event of validation of the increase by Parliament.

The thaw of the index point seems essential for a profession that is suffering from its reputation, and which is unable to recruit enough. In addition, some public officials have not benefited from the categorical measures taken by Emmanuel Macron. The Head of State preferring more general revaluation measures, before changing his mind recently on this famous index point. The increase in the index point is also linked to the constant rise in inflation, which has largely reduced the purchasing power of French households for several months (5.8% in June over one year). Want to save money? Here is our file dedicated to promotions and savings in these times of rising consumer prices:

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