3 fighters were killed in the Gaza Strip: Sergeant Lavi Gihassi (19), Lieutenant Yaakov Elian (20) and Lieutenant Omri Shortz (21)

by time news

2023-12-21 06:33:13

Last update: 21.12.2023 | 6:33

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The IDF announced the death of three fighters in the Gaza Strip. Sergeant Levi Gehsi19 years old, from Hashmonaim, a fighter in Battalion 931, the Nahal Brigade, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip; Lieutenant Yaakov Elian20 years old, from Ramat Gan, a cadet in the ‘Gafen’ battalion, the officers’ school, served as a class commander in the Givati ​​Air Force Base, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip; andLieutenant Omri Shortz21 years old, from Mishmod Deborah, a cadet in the ‘Gafen’ battalion, the officers’ school, served as a fighter in a paratrooper patrol, fell in battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Tomer Shofar, the director of the Amit Bar Ilan Technological School in Ramat Gan, where Ya’akov Elian studied, told about his student: “His huge heart and the charms that characterized him, connected his friends to him and made him a student loved by the teachers. He majored in computers, prepared himself for combat service As a teenager, he regularly volunteered in the Israel Police. Upon his enlistment, he began the path of a fighter in the Shaked Regiment of Givat. Ya’akov was raised at home on the values ​​of Zionism and love of the country and wanted to contribute to it as much as he could, so he decided to go to an officer’s course and from there he went into battle from which he never returned. We mourn his passing and send A big hug and condolences to his dear parents, his sister and all his loved ones for a huge loss and for the life that was cut short.”

Yaakov Shasha, Elian’s teacher in the twelfth grade, says that the quality that characterized him was “true innocence”: “His mouth and heart were always equal and his desire to give and contribute was pure and pure. Giving to others was at the root of his soul, giving to friends, family and people. This is reflected in his whole personality. Jacob the 14th had a gentle smile. He was always honest with himself, knew how to take responsibility and always wanted to improve, move forward and not stand still. His classmates felt privileged to be his friends. He always took care of others before taking care of himself and was a true and loyal friend.”

Since the beginning of the Iron Swords War, 472 IDF soldiers have fallen. Since the beginning of the ground maneuver (October 27), 140 soldiers have fallen.

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