3 mayors of the Sierra and Amazon face malnutrition and lack of drinking water

by time news

The provision of drinking water in the communities of Pilahuín, in Ambato, helps to avoid parasitism in children under 5 years of age. The project had the support of Fundación Fundivida. Photo: Courtesy

The Lack of drinking water and the child malnutrition affect the cantons of Hint, Guaranda y Arajunoin the Sierra center and the amazon. Addressing both problems is among the main challenges for the newly elected mayors.

In Ambato, the areas most impacted by child malnutrition are: Constantine Fernandez, Huachi Grande, Juan Benigno Sailing, Happens, Quisapincha y Cattails. To these are added Ambatillo, Santa Rosa, Pilahuín and Pishilata.

According to the figures available from the Ministry of Public Health (MSP)in Ambato there are 4% of children from 0 to 59 months with acute child malnutrition and 18% with chronic malnutrition.

In the case of the Pilahuin parish, five of its ten communities, in the southwest of Ambato, do not have potable water. Only piped water is consumed, which directly affects children.

With the help of the Fundivida Foundation financed the improvement of the water system of the community I love you.

After 40 years they managed to build the treatment tank and installed a chlorination system. They also placed 20 kilometers of pipes to provide liquid to the 150 families in the commune.

Two other projects were implemented in the communities of Pastaza River of Llangahua y Chaquistance. This last project was financed by the Municipality of Ambato and helps 105 families.

The elected mayor of Ambato, Diana Caizaregretted that currently there are still communes that consume piped water and others do not have the basic service. She acknowledges that this causes parasitism in children under 0 to 5 years of age.

Faced with this reality, he plans to launch the project Ambato grows, which includes the creation of centers where children from three to 17 years of age will be cared for with food and medicine. In addition, they will be able to do art, music and other activities.

It will start health brigades with mobile units that will reach communities and parishes in the canton. will seek support from health ministries and of the Economic and Social Inclusion.

It will go to friendly governments to seek financing to implement the projects that the rural area needs. “We will give priority to the provision of drinking water and sewerage.”

Arajuno with 38% child malnutrition

In pasta the city of Arajuno It is one of the four cantons of the province that has a high rate of child malnutrition. A report issued by the Municipality local explained that it affects 38% of the canton’s children.

The lack of drinking water affected the communities waoranis, Extinction y head. They drank piped water and water from local rivers.

But, for a year and a half they have been working on the implementation of safe water systems, through chlorination plants.

Since last year, at least 40 of the 103 communities have consumed the safe vital liquid.

He mayor of Arajuno, Cesar Grefacommented that the purpose is to lower the rates of parasitism in children, that is why they work on various projects.

The Technical Secretary of the Amazon provided USD 2.5 million non-reimbursable to promote the construction of the Arajuno Drinking Water Master Plan. This will provide drinking water to more than 2,000 inhabitants of the center of the canton.

In addition, they work on the implementation of family farms, where cassava, green and other products that help in the feeding of families are produced. They have the financial support of the French Corporation, German Cooperation y International plan.

He elected mayor, Darwin TanguilaHe mentioned that when he takes office he will carry out an evaluation of each project to see if it continues. His campaign offer is to provide drinking water to the entire canton. “It is a challenge that must be assumed responsibly.”

It also plans to build a market to market the products produced by the communities and promote the community tourism projects to help improve the economy.

It will strengthen the family farms so that they have more food and will build a 24-hour health center. “If we give water, health and food to the communities, we will improve their lifestyle”.

Guaranda with 35% child malnutrition

Guaranda It is included in the list of the cantons with the most poverty in the Sierra Centerespecially in the parishes of Simiatug, Salinas, saint simon y Julio Moreno.

A report issued by the Municipality local detailed that Bolívar It is one of the provinces with the highest rate of child malnutrition: 35%. A study determined that 1,880 of the 6,700 minors who face this condition live in Guaranda.

In November 2020, the Cabildo launched the nutritional assistance project children with future. marco davilaadvisor of Health of the Municipality of Guarandatold that Simiatug It is one of the most affected parishes.

7 out of 10 children are affected due to the lack of drinking water, poor nutrition of the mother during the gestation period and postpartum.

Fruits and eggs for children

That is why this project was launched, which consists of the delivery of one egg daily to 702 children of the parish Simiatug and other communities that have a high percentage of malnutrition.

Every 15 days they deliver bags filled with pineapples, bananas and other seasonal fruits. A week they distribute seven eggs for each child who participates in the municipal plan where the Ministry of Public Health (MSP). “Eating a cooked egg a day and fruit helps children in their nutrition, we see that at least 20% of the 702 children in the program improved their weight and height, and another percentage is in the same process.”

With the help of the Fredni undation y Plan International Ecuador We work with a group of pregnant women so that they improve their health conditions, eating habits and have knowledge about nutrition.

The Niños con Futuro project applies to the Municipality of Guaranda in parishes with high rates of child malnutrition. Eggs and fruits are given to children under five years of age. Photo: Courtesy

The elected mayor Inti Yumbay explained that Guarandoh the province of Bolívar They have always been poor due to the lack of the application of clear public policies to serve urban and rural areas.

That caused there to be no drinking water y sewerage and the indices of child malnutrition they increase. “There are communities that do not have sewerage and still use latrines. Two kilometers from the center there is no drinking water or sewerage”.

Their challenge is to provide drinking water, although one of the drawbacks is that the population is dispersed, but if they do not assume that responsibility, the future of children will be mortgaged by not achieving their development.

It will analyze and evaluate the results of each of the projects that are underway. It is necessary to improve the lifestyle of the people by providing drinking water, sewerage and health, so that the population develops as a true human being and with dignity.

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