3 mistakes that doctors make in the medical office

by time news

2023-08-03 01:00:11

The Regulation of the General Health Law on the Provision of Medical Care Services is a document that all doctors should know.
In addition, there are at least 10 NOMs that it is essential to know before opening your own medical office.
From selling medicines inside the office to not having an operating notice are frequent mistakes among doctors.

Health care is more complicated than many think. It is not only about having the knowledge learned at the university, but it is also necessary to know other areas such as the legal part. In fact, there are some errors that seem minimal but there are many doctors who make them on a recurring basis. The most serious thing is that these types of failures have penalties.

In this sense, it is often thought that within the professional field you can only work for others, but this is not the case. There is also the option of entrepreneurship to open your own source of income. It’s not easy but it’s not impossible either.

Regarding this alternative, one of the first barriers is financial. It is not only about renting a place, but you also need to buy all the necessary furniture to care for patients. The specialized equipment is quite expensive and implies a strong investment that not everyone can afford, especially when it comes to recently graduated doctors.

Due to the above, something that you should take into account is that a business of this type is not instantly profitable. Earnings begin to be obtained after at least 12 months. Therefore, it is very important that you do not give up instantly but must be persevering.

The legal part of Medicine

On the other hand, beyond money, you should also pay attention to the legal part. It is an area that is never taught in medical schools, although it is essential. In fact, some mistakes are quite common among doctors even though they are made unconsciously.

In a timely manner for you as a professional who wants to open your own office, the first thing you should do is consult the Regulations of the General Health Law on the Provision of Medical Care Services.

In the same way, in the past we have shared with you that there are at least 10 Official Mexican Standards that you should read before opening your own medical office. Although these are quite extensive documents, in the end it is information that you should know.

Mistakes that other doctors make and you should avoid

With this in mind, the Mirna lawyer, who specializes in Health Law, shared a video based on his experience representing doctors. What she mentions is that there are three common mistakes among doctors that have legal consequences. Therefore, it is important that you avoid falling into this type of failure.

Apply serums and have patients channeled in the reception area.
Sell ​​medicines or products.
Wait for random visits from Cofepris to process the notice of operation.


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Based on the above, remember that the highest authority on this issue is the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris). It is also quite strict and if you commit any of the above-mentioned failures, you will receive fines of various amounts.

In conclusion, always remember to pay attention to the legal part. In fact, if the failures are constant and serious, the sanctions may imply the closure of your practice. To prevent this from happening, remember to have your papers in order and avoid all the points indicated.

Also read:

Medical advertising notice: Errors that you should avoid committing according to Cofepris

Mandatory furniture that a general and specialty medical office must have according to Cofepris

10 NOMs you should read before opening your own medical office

#mistakes #doctors #medical #office

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