3 strains that stimulate fat burning

by time news

Losing weight with vegetables: These 3 types stimulate fat burning

1. Paprika

Whether in a salad, in a bowl or as a raw food – paprika always tastes good. On top of that, the popular vegetable also provides us with a variety of healthy ingredients such as vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and zinc. The vitamin C content of red peppers in particular is particularly noteworthy. At around 140 milligrams per 100 grams, it is almost three times as high as that of a lemon. The vitamin has a cell-protecting effect in our body as an antioxidant and strengthens our immune system, among other things. And that’s not all: Eating peppers can also help us to lose weight. The reason? Vitamin C stimulates the release of norepinephrine, which in turn boosts fat burning.

Also interesting: 4 reasons why you should eat peppers >>

2. Artichokes

Artichokes are rarely on your menu? You should change that! Because the low-calorie vegetables have a digestive effect, lower cholesterol and are said to be able to provide relief from flatulence and a feeling of fullness after eating. Artichokes also contain plenty of B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium and iron. And eating the vegetables is also a good idea for those who want to lose weight: the bitter substance cynarin they contain is said to stimulate our fat burning.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is considered an absolute superfood that should end up on the plate regularly. And rightly so, after all, the green vegetables not only taste good in bowls or as oven vegetables, but are also bursting with healthy ingredients such as vitamin K, vitamin C and potassium. The phytochemicals it contains have an anti-inflammatory effect and are even said to be able to reduce the risk of cancer. On top of that, broccoli is also great for anyone trying to lose weight. Because: As with the peppers, the vitamin C it contains boosts fat burning.

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