3 times each year: success of the big sale of the Or Shai Foundation in kosher in the rest of Israel

by time news

An impressive success for the Or Shai Foundation’s big sale of kosher in the rest of Israel, ahead of Passover.

Despite the great fear of a shortage, the fund prepared ahead of time to provide all the needs of the holiday in huge quantities – 3 times more than any normal year, due to the great demand for the fancy kashrut products, at prices equal to everyone.

The telephone registration center operated in the last few weeks at record capacity, when thousands from all over the country filled out the registration forms, and ordered all the holiday products, in a huge spread of over 100 stations all over the country.

It should be noted that two months before the big sale, when reports began to arrive of an expected shortage of kosher meat and poultry products, Sha’arit Israel sent out butchering teams led by a member of the Shaarit Yisrael, Rabbi Zvi Weber, to the giant slaughterhouses in Uruguay, and brought tons of kosher beef to Israel.

Also, due to the increase in demand for matzoh ‘Havora Beit Shemesh’ in kosher in the rest of Israel, the mafia has been working around the clock in recent months, under the supervision of the Rabbis of the Bedz and by groups of God-fearing evangelists, to provide the public with thousands of kilos of hand matzoh, machine matzoh, and Matzos made from different flours such as spelled and oats, in light of public demand.

In the last few days, the goods arrived at all the stations throughout the country, in order to allow the thousands of people who order from the fund to stock up on the holiday products ahead of time.

It should be noted that this year, and in light of the strict requirements of the members of the Badz, the list of factories and marketers approved by the Badz, after they were carefully selected and accepted the strict instructions of the sophisticated kashrut, was published to the public.

In recent days, the Or Shei Foundation apologized to the hundreds of customers who did not register in the system by the deadline, for not being able to provide them with the fancy kosher products, and ask the public in future sales to make sure to order in the computerized system ahead of time, in order to enjoy the fancy kashrut products and at affordable prices.

It should be noted that the reservation system is open 24 hours a day, and it will open for reservations immediately after Passover.

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