3 tips that doctors should follow

by time news

2023-11-14 00:00:04

The Good End 2023 It looks closer and closer and is a perfect opportunity that all doctors should take advantage of. This date is perfect to boost your practice and attract new patients. To make it easier to achieve your goals, we share a guide with everything you need to do.

When is El Buen Fin 2023?

This recently created anniversary will take place from November 17 to 20. During this date thousands of businesses offer attractive discounts and promotions to increase their sales.

Likewise, many companies advance the payment of the bonus so that their employees have sufficient capital available. This boosts purchases in all areas.

In fact, for 2023 a positive spill of 141 billion pesos is expected, that is, a growth of 5% compared to last year. Besides, the Mexican Online Sales Association (AMVO) It is estimated that eight out of 10 Internet users plan to purchase a product and/or service during these dates.

How can doctors take advantage of El Buen Fin 2023?

Based on all of the above, if you want to grow commercially then you should put the following tips into practice. The best thing is that you don’t need to be a marketing expert but just apply small commercial strategies.

1. Offer promotions

During The Good End 2023 offers promotions to attract potential patients. It is not necessary to lower your prices because it can be counterproductive, but you can start with a rewards system.

With this in mind, if a person channels one of their family members with you you can offer a special price. The same for follow-up consultations because it is also a strategy to build long-term relationships.

2. Implement the use of email marketing

El Buen Fin 2023 represents a great opportunity to implement tools such as email marketing. The purpose is to generate emails with quality personalized messages that highlight the benefits and advantages of the services that are being offered to potential patients.

When considering this option, it is necessary to collect data within the market and provide useful and precise information that helps segment the messages and the public, always thinking about the needs of each of them.

3. Take omnichannel into account

Omnichannel must be part of the vision of digital businesses in The Good End 2023. This refers to making synchronized use of all the brand’s communication and purchasing channels. To do this, it is necessary to integrate patient care both in social networks and in messaging options, contact center, etc.

A key element here is that all of this can be integrated into a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, with which personalized offers can be automatically sent, access to updated patient information and tracking of each patient’s journey.

In conclusion, The Good End 2023 offers an attractive opportunity for practices and physicians to grow. The best thing is that it is not necessary to make large investments but only to offer facilities to potential patients.

And how do you plan to take advantage of El Buen Fin 2023?

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#tips #doctors #follow

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