3 tricks to remove gas from the stomach

by time news

take out the stomach gas It is what we least think about when we have abdominal pain or inflammation, but when gas is trapped in the intestines, a series of uncomfortable symptoms. Discover 3 tricks to remove gas from the stomach and forget about the bulging belly.

How many gases expelled a day?

As embarrassing as it is, the trapped gases are one of the most common problems digestive system. Most of us expel between 13 and 21 gases a day. Just as you read it! The problem arises when they get trapped in the intestines, causing pain as intense as that of appendicitis or gallstones.

We all expel gases, it is completely normal, they occur when we swallow air or when good bacteria found in the colon break down some foods.

3 tricks to get gas out of the stomach / Photo: iStock

Why do gases smell bad?

According to specialists at the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute, gases are made up of odorless vapors, including carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and sometimes methane. However, the bacteria large intestine produce sulfur, causing smelly gases.

When the gases get trapped in the intestines, we often feel like a ‘balloon’ because of abdominal inflammation, sharp, stabbing pain on the left side of the abdomen, constipation, belching or flatulence.

3 tricks to get gas out of the stomach / Photo: iStock

What to do to remove gas from the stomach?

If from a few days to date you notice that in the afternoon that abdominal inflammation it looks more like a pregnant belly, it causes discomfort and discomfort, you should know that there are several Tricks to remove gas from the stomach and alleviate bothersome symptoms once and for all.

1. Abdominal massage to remove gas from the stomach

Lie on your back and give yourself circular massages on the abdomen. In this way, you will facilitate the expulsion of gases and the inflammation will decrease. Do it for 15 minutes to stimulate the release of gases and that’s it. Goodbye to the swollen belly!

2. Fetal position to remove gas from the stomach

As is, lean your back and head forward and flex your legs (so that they are attached to the trunk). Stay like this for 10 minutes. The joke is that you inhale and exhale continuously, to control your breathing, in this way, you can release the trapped gases instantly.

3 tricks to get gas out of the stomach / Photo: iStock

3. Natural remedies to remove gas from the stomach

Infusions are one of the best alternatives to release trapped gases, for example:

Chamomile tea: it is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, but also relaxes the intestinal muscles to release accumulated gases.

Mint infusion: in addition to being refreshing, it is good for relieving symptoms of indigestion, such as gases.

Ginger infusion: as it has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to reduce inflammationbut also relieves muscle spasms and Improves digestion to prevent gases from being trapped.

3 tricks to get gas out of the stomach / Photo: iStock

Infusion of fennel: by relaxing the intestinal muscles, it favors the expulsion of gases who get stuck without suffering from discomfort.

To make any of these infusions, you will only need a few flowers, leaves, seeds or a small piece of the ingredient that you want to make the infusion, a cup of water and half a teaspoon of honey.

Step 1. Boil the water in a pot, add the ingredient you want to make the infusion of, remove from the stove once it comes to a boil.

Step 2. Let the infusion stand for 5 to 10 minutes, strain to remove the remains, add half a teaspoon of honey to sweeten and that’s it. So easily and quickly you can prepare a delicious infusion for remove gas from the stomach.

3 tricks to get gas out of the stomach / Photo: iStock

Another drink that is great to expel gases is papaya and pineapple juice. Both fruits speed up intestinal transit, reduce bloating and improve digestion. All you have to do is cut three slices of pineapple, one slice of papaya and blend perfectly.

How to prevent trapped gases?

There is no way to prevent gases who get stuck in the digestive systembut it is possible to reduce the amount of gas produced through the following recommendations:

  • Eat slowly: many times we eat quickly because we don’t have much time, but by taking a few more minutes to chew, we swallow less air.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks: some drinks, such as soft drinks or beer, can release carbon dioxide, causing excess gas.
  • Avoid chewing gum: when chewing gum with your mouth open we pull in more air that can get trapped in the intestines.

Now that you know how to get gas out of your stomach, apply these recommendations if that abdominal inflammation doesn’t leave you all day. Say goodbye to the bulging tummy!

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