3-week-old baby killed by omega in Qatar; Are children more affected by the 3rd wave? | 3 week old baby dies due to omicron in qatar

by time news

Qatar’s health minister says three-week-old baby dies of Govt-19 infection in Qatar In Qatar, this is the second child to die of a cowpox infection since the outbreak began.

The deceased infant had no other health problems. The child, who was treated at the hospital for a severe case of omega-3 strain, died without treatment.

Following this, the Qatari Ministry of Health said in a statement that although children were not as affected by the previous waves of corona as adults, many children were infected with the Govt-19 virus in the third wave and many of them needed hospital treatment.

In addition, the country’s health officials say the death of a child is a shocking reminder that all ages who are infected with the Kovit-19 virus are at risk. They also point out that although it rarely occurs, Govt-19 infection infant deaths have been reported in many countries around the world.

Studies have shown that the omega-3 strain of the Kovit-19 virus is less dangerous than its predecessors.


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