30 Mar World Bipolar Day | Channel 8 News

by time news

March 30, World Bipolar Day, or Bipolar Disorder Day, is designed to build awareness.
It’s not uncommon to be one of the mood disorders. found all over the world Let’s understand together

The Department of Mental Health describes bipolar disorder or bipolar affective disorder as a psychiatric disorder. related to emotion It is most common between the ages of 15-19 years, followed by the ages of 20-24. Half of the patients will have symptoms for the first time before the age of 20, and the recurrence is up to 70-90%.

Many people misunderstand that bipolar disorder or bipolar affective disorder. There will be emotional ups and downs, good moments, bad moments, but in fact, the patient’s symptoms There will be mood swings, alternating good mood or having abnormal aggression, alternating with abnormal depression. Symptoms last for weeks. Some people have symptoms for several months. which these symptoms will affect many aspects of life

The causes of bipolar disorder can be categorized into 3 main causes.

1. Neurotransmitter disorders in the brain Abnormalities of various hormonal systems in the body
2. Social conditions, adaptation to stress or problems in life
3. Genetics. From the study, it was found that The disease occurs more often in families with bipolar patients.

The World Health Organization also states that bipolar disorder is at a higher risk of suicide than other psychiatric disorders.
The suicidal behavior was associated with the severity of the depression. which requires proper treatment and therapy

Treatment methods can be done with drug therapy combined with psychotherapy. and having to take care of themselves in various fields, most of the patients will recover And can come back to life in about 2-8 weeks. Family and close people should always understand and encourage the patient.

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