“30% of the world’s population lacks access to essential health services.” And in Italy? – time.news

by time news
Of Maria Giovanna Faiella

“Health for all” is the goal of the World Health Organization, which urges states to guarantee universal health coverage (at risk here too) by bringing services closer to people

30 percent of the world’s population lacks access to essential health services, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO). To be able to heal, nearly two billion people face prohibitive health care costswhich often impoverish, in addition to accentuate inequalities between those who can afford paid visits, exams, surgeries and those who cannot. Yet, the Right to healthunderstood by WHO not only as the absence of disease but also as physical, mental and social well-being – it’s a human right fundamental. Hence the theme “Health for all» chosen by the WHO, on the occasion of world health day which occurs on 7 April, to underline that all people have the right is to good health «for a fulfilling life in a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world», be able to access the health services they needwhen and where it is necessary, without facing financial difficulties.

75 years of history

This year the World Health Day, organized by the World Health Organization, coincides with the seventy-fifth anniversary of its constitution (April 7, 1948, ndr). Tremendous progress has been made in these years to protect people from disease, for example it was smallpox eradicated
the incidence of polio was reduced by 99 percent, millions of lives they have been saved through immunization of childrenAnd maternal mortality decreased and I’m improve the health of millions of people. However, observes the WHO, they continue to exist inequalities in access to health servicesserious gaps in dealing with health emergencies, threats that come from the use of products harmful to health and from climate crisis. Challenges that, according to the director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, can “only be faced with global cooperation”.

What does health for all mean (practically)?

Covid-19 has hindered each country’s path towards “Health for all”, but precisely for this reason, according to the World Health Organization, it is even more urgent to achieve this goal, to face unprecedented threats such as the pandemic, other health emergencies, war, humanitarian and climate crises.
Ma how to make “health for all” a reality? According to WHO, individuals and communities need to have access to good quality health services so that they can take care of their own health and that of their families, which qualified health care workers are empowered to provide quality, person-centred care, which i political leaders undertake to ensure the universal health coverage bringing health and well-being services closer to people.

Equity “key” to face future emergencies

WHO sets out the roadmap, which includes a an urgent paradigm shift towards the promotion of health and well-being and the prevention of diseaseand urges States to guarantee equity in the health sector – “key” to addressing future health challenges -, to give priority to primary health care as the foundation of universal health coverage; to theninvest in training, skills, jobs
dignified for healthcare professionalswho are at the forefront of responding to health and climate emergencies, so as to meet the rapidly growing demand for health care and avoid the (predicted) shortage of 10 million health workers by 2030, mainly in low- and middle-income countries .

The right to health, even in Italy, is not always the same for everyone

In Italy, even if our National Health Service guarantees universal coverage, i.e. the right of all citizens to take advantage of the necessary health services free of charge or upon payment of the co-payment if due, in fact, the right to health is not always the same for everyone.
On the occasion of World Day, the Ministry of Health publishes on the portal some data from the National Health Service created to guarantee “health for all”. “We continue the necessary actions so that all citizens are guaranteed, without disparities, the protection and promotion of health” is the commitment of the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, who reiterates that “the protection of health is a fundamental right guaranteed by our Constitution e which is implemented through the National Health Service founded on the principles of universality, equality and equity. There would be no healthhowever, – underlines Schillaci – without the commitment of all health and social health professionals who take care of us every day with competence and dedication». The minister then adds that «the commitment to the health care of the third millennium looks at the enhancement of human capital, the strengthening of the National Health Service through effective local medicine, the strengthening of telemedicine and digitization and a strong investment in prevention”.

Access to services at the right time, screening, Health city manager

“For better health for all – underlines Francesca Moccia, deputy secretary general of Cittadinanzattiva, who recently promoted the “Civic Charter of Global Health” – as well as guaranteeing theequitable access to health services at the right timeit is also necessary to intervene on the so-called social determinants of health that affect the possibility of getting sick and are related to environmental factors (e.g. air quality, food quality, water quality), social conditions (level of education, housing) and cheap (income, employment, etc.). The Civic Charter – continues Moccia – wants to be one tool to implement new measures aimed at the health of allsuggesting concrete actions (about 60) in three areas: health and wellness, health of the planet, social justice. For example, it is suggested to realize c
national prevention and screening campaigns in the urban suburbs; Of guarantee basic health care to the most fragile and invisible like the “homeless” who today don’t even have the right to a family doctor; and then: measures to prepare in time for future pandemics; actions to make places and cities healthierintroducing professional figures such as l’Health City manager».
This latter figure is also solicited – on the occasion of World Health Day – by the Parliamentary Intergroup «Quality of life in cities» and by «Health City Institute» (promoters of the Manifesto «Health in Cities: Common Good») with the aim of guide cities towards a model of

Healthy City

(healthy cities)

increase the administrative capacity of local authorities and develop innovative and inclusive solutions to respond to the health and well-being requests expressed by citizens.

The «WHO Healthy Cities Network» campaign

On the occasion of the day, the “WHO Healthy Cities Network”, a World Health Organization project aimed at promoting health and quality of life by improving physical and social contexts, launches the awareness campaign on “Health for all” with the goal of draw attention
ein this particular historical phase, on the values ​​of equity and justice which have always inspired WHO action. Explains Emma Capogrossi, president of the Network and councilor for “Social services, hygiene and health, equal opportunities, housing, integration policies” of the Municipality of Ancona: «The Italian Network of Healthy Cities WHO, the only association recognized by the World Health Organization , summon almost 80 Italian Municipalities who choose to commit themselves to the promotion of health in their communities, enriching each other through it exchange and sharing of good practices. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of WHO activity – underlines Capogrossi – it is important to remember that only united we can pursue health goals as a fundamental right of the individual and in the interest of the community


April 7, 2023 (change April 7, 2023 | 11:46 am)

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