30 ultra-Orthodox families were evicted from the resort for no reason

by time news

Thirty ultra-Orthodox families who came to vacation last Wednesday in the city of Nottingham in central England, found out the next day that they were being evicted from the place for no reason. According to the families, the person in charge did not agree to hear them and even announced that the money would not be returned to the families. The families intend to sue the owners of the place

Last Wednesday, 30 ultra-Orthodox families, residents of London, arrived in the city of Nottingham in central England, about a two and a half hour drive from the capital. The families acclimatized there, unpacked boxes, bags and suitcases for a few hours, thought they had reached the resting place and the estate and went to sleep.

The next morning they found out that the managers of the place violated the agreement with them according to which the entire campus would be exclusively at the disposal of the ultra-orthodox families for two weeks, but when they arrived they discovered that students were staying at the place, and when they went to find out about the matter, they were not treated. The large campus is used as a dormitory for students, and according to the summary no student was supposed to be there.

The manager of the place informed the holiday organizer on Thursday morning that he was invited to arrive at 1:00 PM for an urgent meeting, after arriving three minutes late for the meeting, he received shouts from those present why he dared “late”. The manager of the place took out the agreement between them, and informed him “that the children parked the bikes where they were not supposed to be, therefore the agreement was violated and she demands that the families leave the complex immediately”.

The organizer of the vacation tried to explain that none of the students were supposed to be there according to the agreement between them, and the entire complex was supposed to be empty since it was rented only to ultra-Orthodox families who came from London, a two and a half hour drive away, he even asked to give them another opportunity to explain to the children where to park the bikes, but There was no one to talk to and she insisted that the families leave the compound immediately.

The families were shocked, some of them rented the house where they live in London to other families, and they had nowhere to return, another attempt to ask for more time, or to try to reach some sort of arrangement was unsuccessful, the managers of the place decided to evict the ultra-Orthodox families from the place for no reason.

Behadari Haredim learned that some of the families returned to their home in the end, and another part went to other places to rest because they could not return to the house in London because the house was rented to other families. One of the owners of the families who was there and was very disappointed, tells ‘Bahadari Haredim’ what happened: “We arrived at the resort on Wednesday afternoon, we worked for a long time to unpack all the boxes, the suitcases and the bags, a piece of work, we went to bed, woke up in the morning and discovered that the place Not empty as we were promised, but students are on campus, and the place has become unsuitable for ultra-Orthodox families.”

“Students were walking around in clothing that is not suitable for the ultra-Orthodox, and it started to be unpleasant. We realized that we cannot stay here because our children cannot walk around the place, we tried to contact the administration and understand why they violated the agreement, the place was supposed to be empty, but there was no one to talk to, they Find a lame excuse for parking a bicycle in the wrong place.”

He also tells ‘Bachderi Haredim’: “If they had told us to take care of the matter of parking the bicycles, we would have instructed the children to park the bicycles in the designated place, but these are children, lots and lots of children, so they parked the bicycles in the wrong place, that’s why they threw us out of the place ? And not to give us the money back? Even if in the agreement we were supposed to park the bikes in a certain place, throwing away 30 families with lots of children for no good reason is just anti-Semitism, we don’t know what made them get up in the morning and decide to throw us out, but that’s what happened to the children They cried and were very, very sorry, very heartbroken.”

He said that they had no choice and they decided not to try to insist but to leave “In the end, because there were students there, we couldn’t stay there, it doesn’t fit the atmosphere, it doesn’t fit ultra-Orthodox families, we had no choice but to repack everything, a lot of equipment for hours, We ordered transportation at our own expense and returned home.”

Some families found another place to rest, and those who could returned to their homes in London. “We arrived home at 01:30 at night, it’s early Friday morning, we had to unload the equipment at night because we had to have the equipment for the Sabbath, great heartache like no other, there is a lawyer who handles this matter, we will definitely sue them for the heartache and also For not receiving the money back, we will demand compensation accordingly.”

Haredi families were forced to leave the campus
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

Haredi families were forced to leave the campus

Haredi families were forced to leave the campus
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

Haredi families were forced to leave the campus

Haredi families were forced to leave the campus
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

Haredi families were forced to leave the campus

Haredi families were forced to leave the campus
Photo: Courtesy of the photographer

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