30 words of ‘Marquetinià’ that you can say in Catalan

by time news

2023-06-01 16:11:49

Barcelonawhy you say background can you say luggage And why do you say retail if all your life there has been retail or retail? It is more professional who makes one coffee break who takes a break? The deadlinesthe funnelsthe insights and the networking they are part of the jargon of the business world and, because of their importance, they have passed into the everyday speech of citizens. Sometimes there are also those who use insights i guidelinesbut it is not enough skills to say sale (and no sale), income (and no renta) and stock market (and no if). At other times anglicisms are used because they are considered to have specific connotations, such as start-up o rider.

More than 25 years ago, the word marketing was adapted to Catalan and is even included in the normative dictionary of the Institute of Catalan Studies. Most anglicisms, however, will never reach this status because they are too specific and sometimes fleeting. But in order for Catalan to run in all areas and not have to use other languages ​​as a crutch, it must respond to new concepts and needs. How? The linguists, with the advice of professionals in the sector, decide in each case whether it is better to invent an alternative Catalan form, copy the original, adapt the word or adopt it directly from English (as benchmarking). Its task is to guide the speaker and the regulations. With the help of Montserrat Serra, linguist at Termcat (the center specialized in Catalan terminology), we choose 30 concepts from the world of business that you can say in Catalan.

Things that have always existed:

  • Budget it’s budget
  • Core is core
  • Deadline is a deadline or deadline
  • Forecast it’s forecast
  • Guidelines they are guides or master lines
  • Keywords are keywords
  • Milestone it’s a milestone
  • Paper it is a paper or a scientific article
  • Profit they are benefits
  • Prospect is a potential customer
  • Rider he is a delivery man
  • Skills is dexterity or aptitudes
  • Venture capital is venture capital

You say it in English, but there are alternatives in Catalan:

Managing Director (and also CEO): he chief executive officer in Catalan it would be the CEO or the chief executive, but given the expansion of the acronym CEO, it is also a formula that has been accepted.

Creating brand names (instead of we): it is a word that is difficult to Catalanize with the accent and also to translate; therefore, either the Catalan alternative is found or it is adopted directly in English. For now, the descriptive form is recommended.

Crowdfunding (instead of crowdfounding): paying for projects through individual contributions from many people is this collective financing, a transparent concept in its Catalan form. Depending on the consideration that donors receive, there are subcategories such as micro-patronage or crowdfunding with reward.

Stakeholder (instead of stakeholder): the stakeholders they are the people who have an interest in the decisions that are made in a company or in the activities that are carried out there (from managers to customers, from workers to competitors); therefore they are interested party. In marketing, on the other hand, it would translate to audience of interest.

Conversion Funnel (instead of funnel): is the translation of the conversion funnel (funnel) or del purchasing funneland is used to analyze the steps that users of a company or website take until they make a purchase (for example, readers who become subscribers to a product).

Brainstorming (instead of brainstorming): it is a consolidated formula, which works and is widespread, but in some contexts it coexists with Anglicism.

Breakeven threshold (instead of break even point): it is a clear example of the opacity of economic language that has a transparent alternative in Catalan: el sales threshold o point of death it is the time when a company balances income and expenses.

Emerging Business (instead of start-up): Termcat recommended using the Catalan concept to designate companies that stick their head out into the world, but the sector has ignored this advice because they consider that the English word has a wider scope. Seconds Barcelona Startup, is a new technology-based company with an innovative, scalable and fast-growth focused business model that is unproven to be profitable and viable. Termcat should probably consider throwing in the towel.

Deliveryman (instead of rider): the work of one rider it is that of delivery man or messenger, so it would be logical to call it that in Catalan. The rider English would be literally translated into Catalan as a genet, pilot, cyclist o Hall depending on whether you go on horseback, on a motorcycle or by bike. The anglicism has an added meaning, namely that it is about delivery people who work for digital platforms, but at the same time it seems to dilute the (precarious) labor relationship that exists between the worker and the company, as is the case with euphemisms of biker o glover.

You change the accent and it adapts to Catalan:

  • marketing
  • Briefing
  • Branding: for twenty years Termcat has maintained that it was clearer to use the concept of brand buildingbut has finally accepted that the alternative (which is nonetheless descriptive and clear) doesn’t work very well and has reconsidered accepting the English adaptation as well.

Expressions that make executive:

make one call: it has become popular in the post-pandemic stage and can fit into Catalan linguistic humor [fer una col]. It’s simply a matter of making a call, a trick (a touch, in Valencia) or a video conference.

give me inputs/feedback: it must be recognized that English is a synthetic language and this makes it very functional and even that words (like inputs) may be applied in ways other than the original. That would be give me data o give me advice (sorry, tips) or simply tell me what you think.

Fer networking: would literally be networkbut in this context it is clearly make contacts to extend the schedule, and they are always taken advantage of lunch break or the coffe break (ie the breaks).

Fer team building: is directly team building, but because they are human resource strategies labeled by Americans for white-collar workers’ companies, they have become popular in English.

make one after work: in a consultation with Optimot they recommended go make the glass or the description go for a drink having folded. In a colloquial tone, in the ARA, we call it go make beers (and happens every Friday evening). Cheers!

#words #Marquetinià #Catalan

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