32 million euros for the Brevetti+, Disegni+ and Marchi+ calls for 2024

by time news

With the publication on the Official Journal of the directorial decree of 31 July 2024 for the programming of resources to be allocated for the 2024 financial year to the Brevetti+, Disegni+ and Marchi+ measures, the process for the reopening of the calls for tenders begins in order to ensure continuity in the support of small and medium-sized enterprises for the valorization of industrial property titles.

Amount of contribution

The overall financial endowment of 32 million of euros that can be allocated to contributions to SMEs is distributed as follows:

  • 20 million for Brevetti+: to support small and medium-sized enterprises in developing a patent strategy and improving their competitiveness. To do so, it offers incentives for the purchase of specialized services that help to economically exploit a patent, improving profitability, productivity and growth in the market.
  • 10 million for Disegni+: help micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to valorise their designs and models by offering non-repayable grants.
  • 2 million for Marchi+: it is intended to help small and medium-sized businesses protect their brands abroad by offering non-repayable grants. The incentives are divided into two categories:
    • Measure A: Contributions to support the registration of trademarks at the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office), covering the costs of purchasing specialist services.
    • Measure B: Contributions to support the registration of international trademarks with WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).


With the subsequent issuing of the calls for tenders (which will take place within the next 30 days) the deadlines for the submission of the applications will be set. requests of contribution of the 32 million euros available.

Starting from the 2024 edition, the administrative management of the aforementioned calls will pass from the DGPI-UIBM (General Directorate for Industrial Property. Italian Patent and Trademark Office) to the DGIAI (General Directorate for Business Incentives), at the Department of Business Policies.

Find the call that’s right for you in the dedicated section!

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