32% of porteños perceive themselves as being on the right

by time news

2023-06-14 18:42:15

According to a recent paper published by the political consultants of the Federico González y Asociados study, 32.1% of porteños perceive themselves as being on the right. While 20.8% define themselves ideologically as center, and a 13.1% left. 25.9%, the second most significant lot among those surveyed, say they do not have a defined position. And 8.1% do not fit into any of the above.

The figures are part of the last measurement of the consultant of the candidates for Buenos Aires Head of Government where Jorge Macri it takes an important advantage to his main rival within Juntos por el cambio, Martin Lousteau. According to the scenario, the PRO oscillates between 25.3% of the votes and 26.5% doubling the figures of the radical who varies between 11.7% and 12.7%. A lot that Ricardo López Murphy completes, varying between 5.2 and 6.2%. And Graciela Ocaña who would not get to the point.

Buenos Aires survey

On the government side, Leandro Santoro is the clear favorite of the inmate from Buenos Aires facing the steps where would get between 16.6 and 19.9% ​​of the votes far surpassing the formula integrated by Pedro Rosenblatt and Ofelia Fernandez who together could reach two percentage points. The volume of votes of the candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Ramiro Marrachosen by Javier Miley to represent it in the city of Buenos Aires, remains practically unchanged between 19.3 and 19.8%.

Buenos Aires survey

And the candidates on the left, where do they sign up? Luis Zamora For Self-Determination and Freedom, Vanina Viasci and Alejandrina Barry for the Left Front, range between one and a half points and 0.4% with a lower incidence than expected, and the 13% of objective votes that the space could reap and in which there is evidence of an important flight towards center-left Peronism.

Buenos Aires survey

In case of being imposed in the STEP, Jorge Macri would be a clear winner facing the generals October where he would increase his votes to 41%, almost doubling those of Marra and La Libertad Avanza with 22.1%, who in turn would be in line with the numbers of Santoro and his 21.3%.

Buenos Aires survey

On the contrary if Lousteau were the candidate of Together for Change for the generals, the percentage of votes of the opposition coalition decreases by 5% and freedom advances stretches to 24.5% at the same time that the undecided grows to 9%. A preference of sign that is evidenced according to the survey of Federico González y Asociados also in favor of Patricia Bullrich in Buenos Aires territory in the interior with Horacio Rodriguez Larretaand in which the former president of the PRO supports the hawkish line of her confrontational speech in the internal.

by RN

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