34,978 new cases and 45 deaths – time.news

by time news
from S.Mor.

The data for Saturday 18 June. Intensive care patients (+2) and ordinary hospitalizations (+11) are increasing. Positive rate of 18.1%

There are 34,978 new cases of Covid in Italy (yesterday there were 35,427, here the bulletin). The number of people who have contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the beginning of the epidemic thus rises to at least 17,844,905. There are 45 deaths today (yesterday 41), for a total of 167,703 victims since February 2020 ***.

The health situation

Intensive therapies are two more (yesterday -1) with 24 daily admissions, and they become 193 in all, while in the ordinary wards there are 11 more patients (yesterday +17), for a total of 4,331. The region with the largest number of cases today is the Lombardy with 5,298 infections, followed by Lazio (5,157), Veneto (4,419), Campania (3,383) and Emilia Romagna (3,157). The discharged / healed in the last 24 hours are 45.956 (yesterday 64.865) for a total that rises to 17.116.187. The currently positive ones are 11,030 less (yesterday -28,736) for a total that drops to 561,015. Of these, 556,491 are in home isolation.

The rate of positivity

The swabs processed are 193,040 (yesterday 185,819) with the rate of positivity which falls from 19.1 to 18.1%.

The cases region by region

The data provided below, broken down by region, concerns the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Here is the table with the overall data provided by the Ministry of Health.

Lombardy: +5.298 cases (yesterday +5.009)
Veneto: +4.419 cases (yesterday +3.306)
Campania: +3.383 cases (yesterday +3.288)
Lazio: +5.157 cases (yesterday +4.826)
Emilia Romagna: +3.157 cases (yesterday +3.117)
Piedmont: +1.657 cases (yesterday +1.383)
Sicily: +168 cases (yesterday +2.960)
Tuscany: +1.972 cases (yesterday +2.033)
Puglia: +2,403 cases (yesterday +2,320)
Marche: +800 cases (yesterday +824)
Liguria: +958 cases (yesterday +845)
Abruzzo: +898 cases (yesterday +895)
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +904 cases (yesterday +791)
Calabria: +942 cases (yesterday +840)
Sardinia: +1.192 cases (yesterday +1.307)
Umbria: +638 cases (yesterday +633)
PA Bolzano: +286 cases (yesterday +341)
P. A. Trento: +273 cases (yesterday +229)
Basilicata: +266 cases (yesterday +277)
Molise: +170 cases (yesterday +166)
Valle d’Aosta: +37 cases (yesterday +37)

Here all the bulletins of 2022, here those of 2021 and here those of 2020


– The Abruzzo Region announces that 1 case has been eliminated from the total of positives as it is a duplicate.
– The Basilicata Region announces that the data relating to Covid-19 cases in home isolation and the healed, reported today in the related fields under review on the regional Covid-19 platform and will be updated as soon as consolidated.
– The Campania Region announces that following today’s checks, it appears that 8 deaths registered today date back to a period between 19/11/2021 and 6/04/2022.
– The Emilia-Romagna Region announces that 2 cases, communicated in the previous days, have been eliminated, as they are not considered Covid-19 cases.
– The Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region announces that the total of positive cases has been reduced by 4 following a positive test removed after review of the case.
– The Public Administration of Bolzano announces that of the 286 new positives, 5 derive from antigenic tests confirmed by molecular tests.
– The Region of Sicily announces that as a result of computer problems the data of the rapid antigen tests are not available, and that the number of deaths reported to refer to the following days: N. 1 on 17/06/2022 – N. 5 on 16 / 06/2022 – N. 1 on 06/15/2022 – N. 1 on 01/24/2022.
– The Umbria Region announces that 4 of the non-ICU admissions belong to the discipline codes of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics, and that 18 of the non-ITU admissions belong to other discipline codes.
– The Veneto Region announces that in the values ​​reported for intensive care there was a temporal misalignment of the information flow, therefore by convention 3 discharged from IT were reported instead of no. 4 effective which also includes the negativized.

June 18, 2022 (change June 18, 2022 | 16:17)

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