35 Missiles Launched from Lebanon as a Signal to Start Another Front in Syria. Iran Plans to Deploy Short-Range Missiles and Suicide Drones from Syria to Target Israel.

by time news

On Thursday April 6th at 10:15pm, 35 missiles were fired from Lebanon towards various sectors in the Galilee. Surprisingly, there was no reaction from Israel for eight hours. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the nation, stating that their internal debate would not prevent them from acting against their enemies. He also mentioned that they had no intention of changing the current situation on the Temple Mount and that they would respond strongly to any aggression from their enemies. However, he did not reveal what Israel’s response would be to the rocket fire from Lebanon. This has been the case for the past six weeks when intelligence information from Iran was received in Jerusalem stating that they would attack Israel during Ramadan using terrorist arms. Hezbollah Secretary Hassan Nasrallah was appointed to coordinate and execute these attacks. Israel did not respond to this intelligence information except for a few warnings sent through secret communication channels, which did not have the desired effect on Tehran and the Iranians continued their preparations for an attack on Israel. The Iranian plan includes five sections: West Bank inflammation, firing rockets from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli territory, firing rockets from Lebanon towards northern Israel, igniting the Syrian front and launching large groups of Iranian suicide drones towards Israeli targets. The Iranians have already carried out three parts of their plan including igniting riots on the Temple Mount, pressurizing Hamas to fire rockets from the Strip and launching 35 missiles at northern Israel. However, the last two parts of their plan still remain. They face difficulties with igniting the Syrian front due to Bashar Assad’s reconciliation process with the Gulf countries, and this could push them to launch a large number of suicide drones towards targets in Israel.

Eight hours after the firing of 35 missiles from Lebanon, on Thursday, April 6 at 10:15 p.m., at various sectors in the Galilee, Eight hours without any Israeli reaction, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu appeared on the nation’s broadcast and everything he said was reduced to one sentence: ‘The internal debate in Israel will not prevent us from acting against our enemies.’ According to Netanyahu, ‘We have no interest in changing the status quo on the Temple Mount. As for aggression from the various arenas – we will cripple our enemies and they will pay a price for every act of aggression.’ Netanyahu has not uttered a single word about what is about to happen and what will be Israel’s response to the rocket fire from Lebanon.
To anyone who is not familiar with what happens behind the scenes, this statement by Netanyahu sounded strange.
35 missiles without an Israeli response? However the origins of infection case It is noted that this has been the case with Netanyahu for six weeks – starting from the last week of February.
This is the date on which the intelligence information was received in Jerusalem that Iran had decided to attack Israel during Ramadan using the terrorist arms at its disposal. Hezbollah Secretary Hassan Nasrallah was appointed by the Iranians to be the ‘Chief of Staff’ coordinating and executing these attacks.
What exactly did Israel do with this intelligence information? Just as it did not respond on Thursday to the rocket fire from Lebanon, so Israel did not respond, except for a few warnings sent through secret communication channels.
Today we know that these warnings did not make the desired impression in Tehran and the Iranians and Hassan Nasrallah continued preparations for an attack on Israel.
Our sources report that the Iranian plan includes 5 sections:
1. West Bank inflammation, With the riots on the Temple Mount and Al Aksa in the center.
2. Firing rockets from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli territory.
3. Firing rockets from Lebanon towards northern Israel.
4. The ignition of the Syrian front.
5. Launching large groups of Iranian suicide drones towards targets in Israel.
Of the five programs of this campaign The Iranians have already carried out three plans:
A. The Iranians and Hassan Nasrallah succeeded in igniting riots on the Temple Mount, However, they failed to transfer these riots to the West Bank. Here, perhaps, it is appropriate to point out that until now the Israeli police have failed to quell these riots, and this is one of the reasons they continue.
B. The Iranians and Hassan Nasrallah succeeded by putting pressure on Hamas to fire rockets from the Strip.
third. They also managed to bring that about that Hamas launched 35 missiles at northern Israel.
Now the last two sections of the Iranian plan remain:
d: Igniting the Syrian front by launching short-range ballistic missiles. Here, the Iranians encounter difficulty on the part of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who is in the middle of a process of reconciliation with the Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, and we do not want to open a front with Israel.
God. This situation could push the Iranians and Hassan Nasrallah to launch a large number of suicide drones at targets in Israel

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