35,043 new cases and 93 deaths- time.news

by time news
from Online Editorial

Data for Wednesday 26 October. The positivity rate was 16.2% with 216,735 swabs. Admissions: -87. Intensive care: -5

I’m 35,043 new cases of Covid in Italy (yesterday there were 48,714, here the bulletin). The number of people who contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the beginning of the epidemic thus rises to at least 23,443,429. THE deaths today I am 93 (yesterday 120), for a total of 178,846 victims from February 2020.

People recovered or discharged they are altogether 22.766.314 e 36.673 those that have become negative in the last 24 hours (57,034 yesterday). The positive current – the subjects who have the virus – turn out to be in everything 498.269you seem to -1.730 compared to yesterday (-8.441 the day before).

The swabs and the scenario

I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) processed are 216.735, compared to 297,268 tests yesterday. The 16.2% positive rate (approximation 16.168%); yesterday it was 16.4%.

Lombardy to have the greatest number of new infections, equal to +6,216 cases. Followed by: Veneto (+4.772 cases), Emilia-Romagna (+3.384 cases) and Lazio (+3.279 cases).
Here the table with all the data.

The health system

The beds occupied in ordinary Covid wards I am -87 (yesterday -18), for a total of 7.019
hospitalized. The beds occupied in intensive therapy I am -5 (yesterday +6) – this is the balance between people who entered and left in a day – for a total of 227 seriously ill, con 24 entrances to resuscitation (yesterday there were 37).

According to the WHO, new waves of new variants are expected which however do not seem to be more aggressive than those already observed. We see an increase in transmission, but no changes in severity. Tests work, vaccines work, said Van Kerkhove, head of the World Health Organization’s Covid Technical Group on the sub-variants XBB and BQ.1. The two sub-variants, at the moment, are the special observations for the WHO. We see no signs of changes in the severity of XBB, Kerkhove pointed out. still at low levels of circulation but we have to keep an eye on it because Omicron. The other BQ.1 that a sub-variant of BA.5. She also has an increase in transmissibility, but we have not found any data indicating an increase in hospitalizations.

Here all the bulletins of 2022, here those of 2021 and here those of 2020.

October 26, 2022 (change October 26, 2022 | 16:31)

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