38,000 beneficiaries of the SWEDD Benin project supported

by time news

2023-09-26 07:48:12

As has been customary since 2020, girls from families in difficult situations receive, at the start of each school year, support in school kits offered by the Government through the SWEED project, in its “keeping girls in school” component. school”. From 23 thousand beneficiaries in 2020 and 30 thousand in 2021 and 2022, the number of girls affected this year 2023 by this support is increased to 38 thousand spread across the 77 municipalities of Benin. The objective is to contribute to increasing the retention rate of these girls in difficult situations in the school system. This SWEED project activity is anchored in the Government Action Program. By launching this year’s edition in N’dali, in the Borgou department, on Friday September 22, 2023, Madame Véronique TOGNIFODÉ, Minister of Social Affairs and Microfinance, reaffirmed the Government’s availability to work to increasing the retention rate of girls in school, tomorrow’s future. She invited the beneficiary girls to decide from the moment to take control of their destiny to successfully build their lives, by applying themselves and making continuous efforts to express their full potential. In addition to school kits, these girls also benefit from monetary transfers throughout the academic year so that they can afford breakfast each morning at school.
Source externe

QA September 26, 2023

#beneficiaries #SWEDD #Benin #project #supported

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