4 basic first aid with which you could save a life at any time

by time news

2024-01-10 01:55:00

Los first aid They can keep an injured person alive, at least until paramedics arrive or they enter a hospital. Hence the importance of preparing ourselves through training, because you never know when you might need save a life. Therefore, discover What is basic first aid?

What is first aid and what is its importance?

Los first aid are emergency measures and procedures applied to a person who has suffered a sudden injury or illness, with the aim of providing basic medical care and prevent serious complications until professional help arrives or the patient is transferred to a medical facility.

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According to information from the United States National Library of Medicine, los first aid they focus on keep life, prevent the deterioration of health and alleviate the suffering of an affected person, for example, in a car accident, in cases of drowning or even a bee sting.

Los first aid can make the difference between life and death in emergency situations. Providing prompt and appropriate care can save lives by stopping bleeding, keeping the airway clear, and stabilizing the affected person until professional help arrives.

On the other hand, the first aid They promote safety and accident prevention. When people know how to act in emergency situations, they can take steps to reduce risks. For example, cuts and scrapes are rinsed with cold water; To stop bleeding, you must press firmly but gently with gauze.

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What are the 3 types of first aid?

Los First aid is divided into three main typeseach of which focuses on a specific area of emergency medical care. These types are:

Basic first aid:

They are the set of initial and simple actions that are applied to an injured or ill person to keep them alive and stabilize their condition until professional help arrives. They include measures such as evaluating the safety of the scene, verifying the victim’s consciousness, maintaining clear airway, control breathing and circulation, stop bleeding, administer CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) if necessary, and keep the person warm and comfortable. basic first aid They are essential for emergency situations, such as car accidents, falls, drownings, heart attacks, among others.

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Advanced first aid:

They involve more specialized medical care and are applied when the victim requires a more advanced level of care than basic first aid. This includes techniques such as immobilizing fractures, administering specific medications in emergency situations, managing severe burns and deep wounds, and the assessment and stabilization of spinal injuries. Advanced first aid generally requires medical training and may be provided by medical or paramedical personnel.

Psychological first aid:

They focus on providing emotional and psychological support to people who have experienced trauma or stressful situations, such as accidents, natural disasters, or traumatic events. They involve actively listening to the victim, providing emotional support, validating their feelings and concerns, and helping to reduce stress. and anxiety. first aid Psychological interventions are important to help people deal with the emotional impact of an emergency and facilitate their mental and emotional recovery.

Photo: iStock

What is the 3 S rule in first aid?

The 3 S rule in first aid refers to:

Safety: Prioritize patient and first responder safety.Relief: Provide basic medical assistance as soon as possible.Request help: Call emergency services or seek additional help as needed.

Now that you know what is basic first aid and why it is important for you to have the knowledge, do not hesitate to learn more about the topic as soon as you have the opportunity. You never know when you may need them.

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