4 healthy habits that men should have

by time news

2023-07-20 22:00:10

It is estimated that only 30% of the population that attends examinations in clinical laboratories is made up of men.
Fear of needles and rectal examination, among other reasons, cause men to avoid preventive medical consultations.
In addition to prevention, it is also necessary to go to routine examinations to identify diseases from their early stages.

Personal care is a universal issue, although many times people make the mistake of thinking that it is exclusive to women. Some campaigns such as self-examination have been useful against breast cancer and for this reason it is necessary to continue on the same path. In fact, there are certain Healthy habits that all males should develop for their own well-being.

When it comes to medical appointments and routine checkups, it’s not uncommon to see gentlemen accompanied by their wives, daughters, mothers, or sisters concerned about monitoring the health of their loved ones. Even in the clinical laboratory sector, it is estimated that only 30% of patients are men, due to factors such as fear of needles and rectal examination.

On the other hand, at present the thought prevails that one should only go to medical consultations when there are illnesses or pain. The reality is that any day is perfect to undergo review exams.

Healthy habits in men that should never be missing

At the same time, one of the biggest problems with the main causes of mortality is that they are not detected until they are in advanced stages. Prevention and early diagnosis help avoid tragedies.

1.- Watch your heartbeat: heart conditions are the number one enemy of Mexicans over 45 years of age. Therefore, the Dr. Liliana GalvánHead of Cardiology at the Chopo Medical Laboratory, explained that it is very common to request a dynamic electrocardiogram from that age to analyze the electrical activity of this organ and blood pressure during physical effort.

“Without that background and without regular monitoring of cholesterol and calcium levels, we open the door to diseases such as coronary artery disease, which reduces the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients.”

2.- Enjoy responsibly: the use of condoms is one of the basic measures to prevent the transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). And although today almost 30 million people in the world have access to antiretroviral therapy that allow them to enjoy a better quality of life, conditions associated with HIV appear among the first 10 causes of death in men between the ages of 15 and 44 at the national level.

“In addition to HIV detection tests, there are diagnostic tools to detect other sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, herpes and syphilis in time, which can be used at any time in adulthood,” said Dr. Carlos Jorge Mendieta, internal medicine specialist and laboratory medical advisor.

3.- Do not drink too much: according to pharmacobiologist Gabriela Olay Fuentes, deputy director of the analytical center of the Chopo Medical Laboratory, Mexicans often struggle to keep liver-related markers under control. For example the bilirubin, total protein, and ‘bad’ or LDL cholesterol. However, this situation is preventable by moderating the consumption of alcoholic beverages, performing regular physical activity and implementing a balanced diet in order to prevent the transition to obesity.

4. Know your medical history: consult with your family doctor or internist the obvious and hereditary factors that could play against your health. It also considers that, as occurs with breast cancer in women, there are diseases whose risk is naturally increased by sex; in the masculine gender, the strokes.

The experts concluded that to these actions should be added checkups related to the detection of type 2 diabetes, as well as prostate, colon and testicular cancer, which reduce the lives of millions of men in our country, but whose timely treatment makes a radical difference.

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#healthy #habits #men

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