4 Qualities to Succeed in Life: Risk Management Talisman for Happiness

by time news

2024-04-20 19:00:00

I always teach students and citizens to try to have 4 qualities as weapons. It is a talisman to protect him from all dangers. To be successful in life and happily Because life is Risk Management From birth to death People will have problems throughout their lives. You must know how to solve problems. Risk Management You must know how to build your own immunity in all aspects You are self-reliant.

These 4 properties are:

1) Good. If all or most people are good people, almost all problems in the countries of this world will disappear. Especially if you also have talent, because a good person is a person with a reason. A person who sees the public Be considerate of others, listen to everyone, don’t be greedy, don’t get angry, don’t get distracted, don’t worry, don’t overeat, etc.

2) Being a good person must also be good. To be good at it, you have to have the opportunity to study. Understanding the issue Know the heart of the issue and, more importantly, you must be a lifelong learner. No matter what age you are You must try to develop yourself. Always ask for information, etc.

That is the essence of skill. Then you have to be good at 7 things: good at thinking, good at people, good at work, good at money, good at time, good at “selling” and good at listening.

Good thinking means thinking all the time, planning, having a vision, thinking outside the box If you come across a problem or a dead end, don’t give up and try to find a solution. creative thinking People who are good at thinking You have to go through a lot of the world, read, write, listen, travel, have a lot of experience. Don’t just think in the box, you have to think out of the box because if you think in the box we won’t be able to think because the framework won’t let us think. But if you think outside the box, don’t do it yet. Let’s first see if the laws, regulations, and rules will allow us to do this or not, etc. Remember that the regulations are written by people and can be changed.

We need to be good at people, that is, see people, use people, see how good this person is and how bad it is to use them appropriately with their abilities. It is both hard and soft. can be encouraged Persuade him to volunteer to help us. Not because of force Because we only have the power. He will gain both body and mind. We have to build prestige. (in a good way) for yourself If so Even if we are retired and have no power, we can still ask for cooperation from others.

And the ability must be with everyone, all genders, all ages, etc. must have good human relations.

Good at work, you must know your duties very well. You must try to study and get to know the work in your duties well. You have to figure out what your duties are. Good at thinking about duties, doing your best, planning, reading everything that will help you do your job very well. See what your weaknesses are in your role. Then you have to try to develop until you have no weaknesses, etc.

Good at money, you must know how to make good money. Use your money wisely to get the most out of it. Use money to transfer money to us efficiently For some projects, if you think carefully, you may not have to spend money. or other people’s money can be used, etc.

Be good at the time. People have the same amount of time, for example watching TV or exercising. During exercise, listen to sermons and listen to investment stories. After exercise While you are waiting for your sweat to dry before taking a shower, do not wait, read anything, do not listen to anything to continuously get information about your surroundings, etc. People who are good at time management will have a better chance. success than people who are not good at time management.

Being good at “selling” means writing, speaking, explaining so well that everyone believes in something and you need to be good at “selling” it in 5 minutes. It is real information. There is empirical evidence. Not only that you speak and write well, but that it is not true, etc.

And finally, no matter how big it is You must also be good at listening. People who do not know, often do not succeed in doing anything. Today, therefore, data must be collected all the time, giving rise to the term big data, etc.

But from my experience many people are not really good. Thailand has many natural resources, beaches, seas, mountains, forests, rivers, food that is abundant and delicious, but what is really missing are good people, people who care for the community. Quality people, disciplined people, etc., like Singapore, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, have almost no natural resources. But he has quality people, discipline, etc.

If everyone is good or most people are good Thailand will be very successful. And faster than this, for example, if every political party was a party with very good people with morals and ethics, when the old government is gone. A new government comes in. What did the old government do well? The new government must be commended for continuing without rebuilding. If it is like this forever different political parties We will respect each other and the country will prosper.

An example of being a good person is whether Thailand will build a dam or not If everyone is a good person (which is also good), they will compare the pros and cons of building dams.
If this is the case Decisions will be made easily because everyone listens to reason and puts the public interest at heart. There are no hidden benefits, etc.

There will be another example in the future.

Dr. Phinit Kullawanich

#Womens #column #good #capable #knowledgeable #healthy

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